資訊中haunted house:鬼屋--音標:[`hc{顛倒寫}ntid haus],
但KK音標是[ˋhɔntɪd] DJ音標是[ˋhɔ:ntid]
回答 (2)
haunt /h>:nt/vt; where >; without your ('h)(>;) , in Key to phonetic symbols in Vowels and diphthongs, is correct.
haunted house must be used in usage in a sentence grammatically:-(1)eg:-
haunted house:-The haunted house is said to be haunted.
=visit, be with, habitually or repeatedly; esp of ghosts and spirits appear repeatedly in;
(2)eg:- This pub-bar is one of your favorite haunts.
(3)eg:-To revisit the haunts of one's schooldays is haunted placed.
(4)eg:-A headless woman haunts the TW East palace, being haunted by her words..
(5)eg:-A wrongdoer is constantly haunted by fear of discovery.
🔷 你真幽默!你還少問了:DJ音標是[ˋhɔ:ntid] ,怎麼多了左上「角」、「ɔ: (冒號)」呢。
收錄日期: 2021-04-11 23:20:13
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