中翻英 - 「你若不離不棄,我必生死相依。」?

2020-10-27 9:22 pm

回答 (12)

2020-10-27 10:52 pm
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Give up not on me and I will be with you, think and thin.
2020-10-28 12:40 pm
冰與火之歌裡的誓詞裡,『至死方休』都是用until the end of my days,


If you don't leave me, I will always be with you until the end of my days.

如果要強調從今日起,可以加上from this day

If you don't leave me, I will always be with you from this day until the end of my days.
參考: 冰與火之歌
2020-10-28 11:45 am

If you choose not to leave me, I will love to till the end of time.

中詩修辭採用了"同意叠詞"="離-棄"表達選擇的主動性,又用了"對比叠詞"="生死"表達"今生"配以含蓄意會的"相依"表達"愛"。英語雖然亦有些類似"暗喻"的代詞,但在原文的隱喻上變成另一種穩喻或許"太隱"了,因此英譯把當中一些應該明示的寫明(you choose not to leave me),用上英語中已有的同義(love you till the end of time是常見的"至死不渝"之意)代入。



If you stay with me, you will be more than life to me.
2020-11-02 9:11 pm
If you were never to abandon me ; I’ll always be by your side till death do us apart.
參考: 婚禮誓詞
2020-10-28 9:06 pm
Till Death do us part, I will do so. If you being honor to me.
2020-10-28 1:47 pm
Desert me not and I shall stick with you until I die.
Abandon me not and we will stick together through thick and thin.
2020-10-28 4:34 pm
If you do'nt leave, I will live with you forever.
2020-10-28 12:22 am
 Don't give up=If you don't give up;
 I will live and die together with you
=love you till the end of time
=my love for you will never die始終不渝
=I will be with you to have a "thin and thick" time
=have  an uncomfortable, distasteful life through and a comfortable, tasteful  life together through
=Give up not on me and I will be with you, thin and thick.
2020-10-30 12:55 pm
Be with me forever, then I will do so.

2020-10-28 1:29 am
🔷 If you don't leave me, I will live and die by your side.

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