求英翻  off the loose comment recommendation?

2020-10-21 12:24 pm

I don’t know if you did this off the loose comment recommendation I made the other day! But either way you’re awesome! 


回答 (2)

2020-10-21 3:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
🔷 I don’t know if you did this {off} {the [loose comment] recommendation} I made the other day! But either way you’re awesome! 華語譯:我不知道你是不是{根據[or 脫離(主題)]}我前幾天所做的{[不明確的評論(之)]建議}而做了這件事!但不管怎樣你都很棒!
2020-10-21 3:57 pm
我不知道你 是否跟據 我前幾天 做的 鬆散無束縛 評論建議 而做出這件事 ; 但不管怎的 你都真很棒!(20 marks)

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