Is Trump senile or stupid? He loves to call Biden senile, yet he pronounces Thailand as Thighland and Yosemite as Yosemights. Is he senile?

2020-09-19 1:33 am
Either he just is really stupid and has never heard of Yosemite before, and cannot even pronounce Thailand. Look we all know the President and his proclivities, maybe all he can think about when considering Thailand are all the sex workers Thighs. Either he is going senile or he is just plain ignorantly stupid. I mean just watch him struggle with pronouncing Yosemite over and over, it is pathetic:

Yes Biden makes gaffes occasionally, but he knows how to pronounce the countries he is talking about, and the famous American places such as Yosemite National Park. Pretty much any grade schooler can do these things. Biden struggled with stuttering as a kid, and he grew past that to become Vice President, he is an inspiration- What is Trump's excuse for his inability to pronounce the things he is talking about? Not to mention he doesn't even know how to take a drink of water, requiring two hands. Stupid or Senile?

回答 (5)

2020-09-19 1:36 am
Trump is both of those.  
2020-09-19 2:08 am
Trumpsters have their heads in the sand.  None of them can answer, where are all the Biden gaffe clips from his Town Hall?  Can't they show us Biden forgetting his sentences?  Where's all that dementia they've been promising us? 
2020-09-19 1:36 am
Trump Jr 2024 !
2020-09-19 1:50 am
You mean after almost 4 years in the White House you have not figured out that Trump is totally senile and uncaring but he is not stupid.
2020-09-19 1:39 am
His supporters dont count any of that as senile or ignorance from the guy in the white jacket.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:59:43
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