英文文法問題 修飾動詞?

2020-09-08 10:48 am
Caderousse and his wife started and looked aghast at each other. 
   卡德鲁斯和他的妻子都吓了一跳,惊骇地互相望了一眼。 請問 為什麼形容詞aghast在這裡可以修飾look at??

回答 (5)

2020-09-09 3:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
Caderousse and his wife started and looked aghast at each other. 
started (v.i.) - 嚇了一跳  (同義詞 = jump)
looked at (phrasal verb) - 看
aghast (adj.) - 驚恐的; 嚇呆的
譯:~ 他們嚇得跳起來, 而且互相對望著, 嚇壞了。

2nd independent clause:  
subject - Caderousse and his wife
main predicate - looked at each other
second predicate - aghast (是主詞補語,不是修飾look at )
= Caderousse and his wife looked at each other and were (became) aghast.

其他 second predication 的例子:
He returned home empty-handed.
2020-09-08 3:06 pm
aghast predicate adj. ---filled with fear or surprise; An adj used NOT before noun when you see or hear something=Horried--eg:-They looked at English Tsai蔡英文 aghast--
eg:-English Tsai蔡英文 stood aghast at the sight of them(=He and she)
Let Caderousse=He; wife=she 

Hence eg:-He and she "looked at each other"(predicate)
---------------aghast pp=past participle=be aghast, complement to subj."He and she;" 
Rearranging the sentence:-
eg:-When news came suddenly they were aghast----->they were "aghast" when news came suddenly.---adj and past participle
eg:-They looked at the sight aghast----> they looked "aghast" at the sight---adj
eg:-They looked at each other aghast----->they looked "aghast" at each other---adj
eg:-English Tsai蔡英文 stood at the terrible war aghast-----> English Tsai stood "aghast" at the terrible war---adj.
2020-09-08 11:37 am
Caderousse and his wife started and looked aghast at each other.
=....looked at each other aghast.
=... they were aghast when they looked at each other.
原句裡作為「主詞補語」的形容詞aghast(說明主詞當時的狀況)被移動到前面的動詞片語(looked at)中間去了。

He looked at her aghast.(作為主詞補語的aghast在句尾)
aghast = suddenly filled with strong feelings of shock and anxiety
(adj. after verb)
Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary p.24
He was aghast when he looked at her.

He stood aghast at the scene of carnage.
在這裡當主詞補語的形容詞片語aghast at xxx(形容詞+介系詞+受詞)才是「因」xxx而嚇到的意思。與前面的兩句情況不同。(新世紀英漢辭典例句)


When the news came they were aghast.
New Oxford American Dictionary例句
2020-09-08 11:58 pm
🔷 請「給多答案負評價者」有本事就解答,並指出給負評的理由吧!
[Caderousse and his wife](主詞) [started and looked](動詞) {[aghast at](形容詞片語修飾代名詞) each other(代名詞)}(受詞) .
《美辭典》a‧ghast: adjective [not before noun] written    
釋義: feeling or looking shocked by something you have seen or just found out
ph. “aghast at”  例. Everyone was aghast at the verdict.
《華語辭典》start:[不及物動詞] 釋義-1. 突然跳起;吃驚 例. She started at the sound of a gun. (她聽到槍聲,嚇了一跳。)
《華語辭典》look:[及物動詞] 釋義-1. 用眼色(或臉色)表示出 例. He said nothing, but looked his disappointment. (他什麼也沒有說,但眼神裡露出了失望。)
2020-09-09 7:49 pm
rsuumann jaimes rainbowalicee 滾出台灣 給外國人白白插

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