'They were driving more faster'At this sentence,what was the problem of more?

2020-09-05 9:27 pm

回答 (7)

2020-09-05 10:35 pm
The "more" is redundant. 
2020-09-07 1:31 am
more faster(X)

much faster (O)

They were driving much faster.
He is much poorer before.
I was much younger than her.
2020-10-02 11:43 am
It should be "They were driving faster" because they are no such "more faster". You only use more when the word have three or more constances.
2020-09-05 11:16 pm
more is contrasted with less and fewer---> many, most, much, adj.
More  is independent comp. means greater in number, quantity, quality, degree, size,etc additional.
You don't need the word "more".
eg:-They were driving faster.
Or eg:-
They were driving "hardly any more faster"---(adj.phr. independent comp.)---than you.---(the comparative degree)
Hence:-eg:-much ,adv, much faster     than you
----------------Driving is much faster =is very fast=use "much" with adj made from passive form  of verbs
2020-10-05 4:07 pm
2020-09-19 5:42 pm
It should be "They were driving faster."
2020-09-11 12:22 pm
They are driving even more faster than before.
2020-09-05 11:20 pm
♦ more:[語法] 形容詞と和副詞的比較級;-er型和more型。用法:形容詞(或副詞)-er,more + 形容詞或(副詞);並無 “more + 形容詞-er” (❌例. more faster、……)的用法。
# They were driving faster (than you).

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