how about the person who posted an insulting  question about me stop doing so anonymously?

2020-08-24 10:42 pm

you also answered my question in a trashy fashion,  also anonymously. I do not block everybody who disagrees   with me, only people  like yourself.

回答 (2)

2020-08-24 11:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If insulting, report them but do not engage. By posting this, you are making that insulter very happy.
2020-08-24 11:47 pm
I agree with Peter.

The moron who posted this question was nothing more than a coward and was afraid to provide YA with a Username and also is afraid to allow the subscribers to read all their posts.

Do what Peter suggest immediately report the immature fool and don't get drawn into a written battle with him/her.

I have to admit that I have insulted many people on here due to their totally inappropriate post and foul language but 99.9% of them are like the braindead fool who upset you and will not supply the answers to their Q&As and have to post anonymously.

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