Why did God sacrifice his son?

2020-07-27 2:11 am
Why did God sacrifice his son through torture? How did that forgive our sins? Why not just forgive them like that? 

回答 (15)

2020-07-27 3:05 am
Because on perfect Adam sine , and one perfect person (Jesus) must die for Adams sin. - Study the Bible !
2020-07-28 9:28 am
God is immortal, he can always find another virgin and have pop out another kid.
2020-07-27 4:44 pm
2020-07-27 5:53 am
Jesus died so that humans could have their sins forgiven and receive endless life. (Romans 6:​23; Ephesians 1:7) Jesus’ death also proved that a human can remain loyal to God even when faced with the severest of tests.​—Hebrews 4:​15.            Although Adam was created to live forever, his sin brought upon him the penalty of death. Through Adam, “sin entered into the world and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because they had all sinned.”​—Romans 5:​12.

In contrast, Jesus’ death not only removed the blemish of sin but also canceled the death sentence for all who exercise faith in him. The Bible sums up matters this way: “Just as sin ruled as king with death, so also undeserved kindness might rule as king through righteousness leading to everlasting life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”​—Romans 5:​21.
2020-07-27 5:05 am
Explained.  Isaiah 53, 1 Cor. 15:1-4.
2020-07-27 2:39 am
True concept of God: Allah is one he is eternal he is neither born nor give birth there is nothing like him
2020-07-27 2:33 am
He has to sacrifice you too so you can achieve Immortality too .
2020-07-27 2:15 am
The Idea of sacrifice originated with man, not God. The Lords(not God) of the old testament instituted animal sacrifice to discourage human sacrifice. GOD did not desire animal blood; GOD does not desire human blood: Both are barbaric traditions.

MARTYRDOM is often KEY to NOTORIETY: Jesus' death highlighted his message of life and eternal life. JESUS WAS BORN TO TEACH.

NO ANSWER FROM THE FATHER: When Jesus prayed 3 times in the Garden of Gethsemane and got NO REPLY, he could have desisted or he could have reconsidered Peter's admonishment: When speaking of suffering and dying, Jesus referred to himself as "son of man" because both Jesus and Peter knew that SONS OF GOD DON"T DIE.
2020-07-27 2:19 am
He likes to watch torture and suffering
2020-07-27 2:13 am
Skydaddy can only think universes into existence .
 Thinking up solutions isn't her forte .

收錄日期: 2021-05-04 03:04:21
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