Has anyone ever lived for more than 120 years?

2020-07-14 6:44 am
Except for Jeanne Calment (although it might have been her daughter that passed in 1997)



Within the past 50 years

回答 (6)

2020-07-14 6:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
Aside from the ancient pre-flood biblical people, Calmet appears to hold that record, far as we know. 
2020-07-15 11:25 pm
Probably +++++++++++
2020-07-14 9:26 am
There is a grave in the graveyard at Mission Carmel Monterey Ca. with a headstone claiming the man buried there was 151 years old when he died.
2020-07-14 7:07 am
every leader of sumeria from a few rulers after gilgamesh to all those before, gilgamesh lives for 213 or so years, one ruler lasted for over 1000 
2020-07-14 10:04 am
Yes. Pre flood lifespans were over 900 years.  
2020-07-14 6:46 am
Some people say Adam & Eve lived over 900 years on Earth

收錄日期: 2021-05-04 03:04:01
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