Does God still make miracles today ? Do we have real proves of that?

2020-06-28 12:12 am

回答 (14)

2020-06-28 1:36 am
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Yes and yes. The followers of Christ see these things clearly over time. The rescue from addiction, a better job, family, financial security, all as a result of prayer to seek God's will in your life.

These are favors and gifts from God for those who love and obey Him. We ask for His will to be done in our lives and watch the miracles happen. Then we give Him thanks, glory, and credit Him with the explanation to others. 

I understand this sounds like nonsense to non-Christians. But to the faithful, it is immediately familiar. Yes, I believe in miracles because I've experienced dozens.
2020-06-28 12:16 am
There are documented individual cases, most are not "reported"

Besides many people did not believe Jesus' Miracles even though they saw them

John 12: 37 But although He had done so many signs before them, they did not believe in Him, 38 that the word of Isaiah the prophet might be fulfilled, which he spoke:“Lord, who has believed our report?And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?”
2020-06-28 3:40 am
There have been documented miracles in every time period since Jesus Christ ascended into Heaven.  Of course, many people commonly use the term "miracle" to describe any important event in their life. "It's a miracle I passed my exam". "It's a miracle I wasn't hurt in that car crash". True miracles however are events for which there is no possible natural explanation. A person has a growth on their liver. Doctors biopsy it and discover that it is malignant. Surgery is scheduled. The night before the surgery people from the patient's church come to the hospital and pray over the person. Next morning they wheel the patient to the operating room. They do a preliminary scan in order to mark the exact location of the tumor. They can't find it. It is gone. That is a miracle, and such things have occurs many times.
2020-06-28 12:23 am
In 1967, Israel was attacked by 6 of the world's most powerful armies and won the war. This is a modern day miracle.
2020-06-28 12:24 am
Miracles are just coincidence.
2020-06-28 12:23 am
No, at least not supernatural ones.

Miraculous signs were used in ancient times to confirm God's word (Mk 16:20; Heb 2:3-4).  Once it was confirmed, they were no longer needed and thus eventually ended (1Cor 13:8-10).  That's why for instance, you may run into someone who claims those supernatural miraculous signs still exist, but will come up with every excuse in the book why they (or anyone for that matter) can't perform the poison-drink sign (Mk 16:18).  They simply are lying to you.

Moses was given the staff-to-snake miraculous sign by God and he performed it to confirm his words were from God (Ex 4).  He didn't refuse to perform the sign because he "didn't want to test God".  That's the common excuse you'll here from those who are all talk and no walk when it comes to the poison-drink sign.

Our all-powerful God has no problem accomplishing his will through natural means today.  The book of Esther is about the Jews defeating an embedded enemy, something the US Army has struggled with for over a decade in the Middle East.  God was able to accomplish the feat in two days.  What's most interesting about how he did it is that he's nowhere mentioned in the book.  He can easily get the job done working behind the scenes without having to go supernatural.
2020-06-28 3:43 pm
‘Miraculous Healing’ Today—Is It From God? Read here:
2020-06-28 2:44 am
" It' Supernatural " on TBN
2020-06-28 12:18 am
One "works" miracles. One does not "make" miracles. When using the verb "work" with "miracle," the simple past and past participle is often, albeit not necessarily, changed from its modern form "worked" to its archaic form "wrought."  
2020-06-28 12:16 am
No gods exist.  Hope that helps.

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