Does God listens to my prayers?

2020-06-22 8:33 am
Does God really want me to talk to him nonstop, why doesn’t he answer my prayers, God seems like he plays with my prayers and needs. God seems like he’s tired of me praying for good in life, for well being in life, and when I pray for certain things the opposite happens hence playing with my prayers, sometimes it happens others is like it feels like he’s saying I’m your daddy you will get what I think is best for you, sometimes that what is best for me ends up being an even worse misery in life, sometimes it’s like heaven, sometimes it feels like he’s my friend that gives you almost nothing and you always give him everything.
Is there a prayer I can say to win the lottery for good causes, does he love me, and how to him with him wanting to listen and awnser if anything does he want to listen to me?

回答 (8)

2020-06-22 8:52 am
Apostle Peter recognized that God is not partial, but in every nation the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him.

The determining factor, is the heart of the individual and what his heart is moving him to do.

Those who observe God’s commandments and do the things that are pleasing in his eyes have the assurance that his ears are also open to them.

Conversely, those who disregard God’s Word and law, shedding blood and practicing other wickedness, do not receive a favorable hearing from God; their prayers are detestable to him.

The individual must have faith in God, recognition of one’s own sinful state is essential.

One’s nationality, the color of one’s skin, or one’s economic circumstances have no bearing on the matter.

But the motivations of one’s heart and one’s way of life do.
2020-06-23 1:50 am
If you are obeying Mat.5:48 GT 
2020-06-22 9:30 am
I suggest you invest 99% of your time listening to God and the rest of the time, in prayer.
2020-06-22 4:29 pm
Does God listen to all prayers? Watch this video:
2020-06-22 8:38 am
No.  god does not listen because god does not exist
2020-06-22 8:36 am
If you have a lot of sins and you have not went to confession asking for forgiveness you open the door for Satan to manipulate you and block Gods blessing
2020-06-22 8:42 am
No  --- there is no god there, snooks!
2020-06-22 9:52 am
God listens to most people but not to you because he hates your stinking guts. 

收錄日期: 2021-05-04 03:00:18
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