What is true love, and what do you think is the best example of what true love is?

2020-06-15 3:31 am

回答 (10)

2020-06-15 3:33 am
U WILL FIND OUT WHEN IT HAPPENS TO YOU....TRY DATING...TIRH...MY parents were together till my Mom died and then my Dad lost the sparkle from his eyes...
2020-06-15 3:34 am
'Twas in a restaurant they met,
Romeo and Juliet.
He had no cash to pay the debt,
So Romy owed what Julie et.
2020-06-15 4:13 am
True love is all about the other person.
It is completely unselfish.


John Popelish
2020-06-15 3:34 am
True love is for God and is completely selfless. Example, Jesus who gave his life for us. 
2020-06-15 3:56 pm
Learn the difference between attraction, infatuation, and real love. Watch this video: https://www.jw.org/finder?wtlocale=E&docid=502016211&srcid=share
2020-06-15 5:09 am
It is a love "freely given" without an expectation of a return. Love one has to earn or to perform to maintain is coercive love. You will see that a lot with the insecure and controlling who have low self esteem and self image.
2020-06-15 3:45 am
Emotions = motions. Love is expressed in acts than words. Merely saying that you adore someone does not automatically indicate that, but by deeds alone.
2020-06-15 12:07 pm
When it is unconditional .
2020-06-15 3:37 am
Love is not something you can see. It's a feeling. It's difficult to describe really unless you experience it. Of course there are many forms of love. From love for family and friends to romantic love. We all experience love in some form or another. Romantic love is something special though. 
2020-06-15 3:32 am
D-Girl and Desolate.

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