Will life ever be perfect in this universe?

2020-06-10 9:43 am

回答 (12)

2020-06-10 10:16 am
I doubt it.
Life, so far,
is a collection of accidents.
Hard to see how the process
that made those collections
ever produces perfection,
whatever that might be.


John Popelish
2020-06-10 5:10 pm
Only by turning atheist.
2020-06-10 9:55 am
i dont think so
2020-06-11 8:14 pm
The fact of the matter: No, It is because of Satan and sin, only when God The Lord Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior comes back to judge the living and the dead and too destroy the heaven and the earth by fire, the second death, where the heaven and the earth shall be burned up, by the hell fires. Then God will create a new heaven an a new earth without sin, then the universe will be perfect without sin, not until then.
參考: King James James holy bible
2020-06-10 1:55 pm
At least 1 person will achieve it when that Servant of Is. 52 & III Nephi is marred more than even the Son of man in Is. 18's land shadowing with wings ( Mat. 22:44 )
2020-06-10 3:36 pm
By choosing to disobey God, the first human lost his perfection. We inherited the tendency to be selfish from him. And yet God will use Jesus to restore humankind to perfection.—Read Romans 7:21, 24, 25.
In harmony with God’s will, Jesus died as a sacrifice and canceled the effect of the first man’s disobedience. (Romans 5:19) 
2020-06-10 12:47 pm
If the first truth of the Buddha is believed then no.
2020-06-10 10:15 am
It is possible that more perfect alien races 
are made in a more perfect image of God than Humans. 

It would make sense, since more perfect races of beings
would never even think of trying to side-step God by creating
an interpretive version of Him that promises them everything 
from “streets of gold” to conditional passage to their creator.  

Perfection is hard to come by 
but I am sure that it exists somewhere, 
and in something as endless and as vast as the Universe. 

Life may well *be* perfection. 
Perhaps it is only that, we just haven't treated it that way. 
2020-06-10 10:08 am
No.  Only the Father's House is perfect:  God has billions of Sons and these universes are their playground/Laboratory. With the Father's permission, they were attempting to build their own Heaven. They caused this messed up world from the start by not following instructions. Humans are the product of God's Sons. This world is in constant state of chaos and catastrophe; Sometime the Lord doesn't intervene. God doesn't intend this world to be our home, but He does require our maximum effort while we are here. We are part of a bigger picture.
2020-06-10 11:44 am
Adam and Eve were created perfect and placed in a beautiful garden paradise called Eden.
They were designed to live forever and told to fill the earth and subdue it.
That was God's purpose for the earth and still is despite Adam losing it all for all mankind because of his disobedience.
Jehovah God has set plans in motion through the ransom sacrifice of his dear son, Jesus, for those who exercise faith and are obedient to have the hope of everlasting life in a restored paradise earth.
If you would like to learn more, please visit our website at jw.org

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