Why does God not just show himself and end atheism once and for all.?

2020-05-16 3:26 am

回答 (112)

2020-05-17 3:26 pm
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Hey. So I'm not incredibly religious, but I believe that it's because God gave us free will. No one should be forced into believing something. It has to be THAT PERSON's choice.

Idk. Just my two cents.
2020-05-16 1:35 pm
Sit back and watch for the excuses.  The real answer is that if there is a god it/he/she must be very stupid or else afraid because he has told so many lies, or it does not exist.
2020-05-16 3:50 am
He already did that, about 2,000 years ago, and the powers-that-be tried to execute Him.
2020-05-17 11:57 pm
God's Noodly Appendages will reveal themselves and Touch Your Heart, if only you will believe in the One True God.  RAmen!
2020-05-16 3:42 am
How do you suppose hundreds of millions of people have met Him if He didn't show Himself? He does so in so many ways. But none so blind as those who choose blindness.
2020-05-17 11:03 pm
BECAUSE GOD gave HIS word and will not intervene until HIS word is fulfilled.
2020-05-18 7:06 am
Atheism will not end until those who engage in it either changes or is no longer here.

The Israelites had it demonstrated that the true God existed in the contest in Egypt against Pharoah, and God showed his power throughout the country, but Pharoah and most of the Egyptians did not respond by saying "oh, here is the true God, I need to obey him."

Even the Israelites, about 3 million of them including the "vast mixed company" who left with them, saw God's power at the Red Sea, when they passed through the sea on dry land.  Yet, when they went to Mount Sinai, they went back to worshiping the golden calf and practiced all kinds of wickedness, right in front of the mountain.  Those who rebelled were destroyed.

Back at Mount Sinai, those who saw the fearful display of God's power knew what was happening and begged Moses to ask God not to speak to them in thunder and lightning, but just Moses can speak to them.    God told them that another one like Moses was going to speak to them, which was later fulfilled in Jesus.

But they really wanted to rebel against Moses, and many of them did, resulting in more destruction, and finally the generation of Israelites 20 years old and upward had to in the wilderness for 40 years and die there.  Their children went into the promised land, and only two faithful men survived to see it.  There is archeological data that indicated that the Israelites did make it to the promised land, and established a kingdom there.


The point here is that people have to want to respect, love, and serve the true God, and if their heart, or inclinations, are not right, they will reject Him no matter what God does.  This is why God will judge us by our deeds, not what we say.  He is not going to do what we want him to do in order to prove that he is real.  He has already provided more than enough evidence of his reality.

Romans 1:19, 20
19 because what may be known about God is clearly evident among them, for God made it clear to them. 20 For his invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they are inexcusable.
2020-05-17 12:17 am
God is Omnipresent, so He is everywhere all the time. But He is a Spirit. You cant see a spirit with your human eyes, you can only discern the presence of Spirit when it is around you. We live simultaneously in both a physical and a supernatural universe. The problem is we're only aware of the physical universe. If you get in tune with your spiritual universe you will recognize the presence of God more and more in your everyday life. 
2020-05-16 11:31 am
Who can stand God's fiery appearance ? Our sins cause us to SHC .
2020-05-16 7:17 pm
why do people go on about Jesus when God is not in the past?  besides you see God each night!

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:34:34
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