🔷 正確的:Do {he and she} drink tea?
《日英辭典》例1. {She and he} are both smart. 彼と彼女は共に賢い。
《日英辭典》例2. {He and she} are talking about how they someday want to visit there one more time. 彼と彼女はいつの日かもう一度そこを訪れたいと話している。
Personal pronouns include he, she.
Nominative pronoun case include he--she
Some parts of grammar are for reference only and have the practical value to the nearest "HE" does ,not he and she do.
eg:-Does he----and she
Not Do he-------and she
Nor Do he-------and do she...
Nor Do he and she, when the nearest pronoun"HE" objectively left out and not possessive by Does HE ?