Let’s pretend God exists. What is the “reason” for this global pandemic?

2020-04-08 12:14 pm
Theists, if God is real; why is he punishing us. My grandmother is very religious and thinks God is angry. If I was a theist, I would agree with her. I personally think all intelligent species face this type of event to keep them from leaving their planet. Look up the Great Filter. 

Why would a “God” do this to us?

回答 (24)

2020-04-08 12:25 pm
IF a god exists as advertised, all powerful and all that, then god would be the only reason for such.
If a god existed as advertised.
2020-04-12 2:33 am
Why do we suffer (according to the Bible)?
-Our own actions (Proverbs 23:29-30; 1 Peter 2:20; 4:15)
-Other's actions (2 Samuel 4:4; Luke 13:1-3; 2 Timothy 3:12)
-Training and discipline (Deuteronomy 8:3; 2 Corinthians 12:7-10; Hebrews 12:4-11)
-To test our genuineness (Deuteronomy 8:2; James 1:12; 1 Peter. 1:6-7)
-Sometimes we cannot know the reason (Job 40:1-4; John 9:1-3; Romans 8:28).
2020-04-09 9:32 am
The fact of the matter: Your grandmother is right God is angry at all of the sins that we have done to him, and now it is time for us to pay, and eventually, God will get tired of all of the sins that we are doing against him and just destroy all of the wicked and saved some of the righteous people.
參考: King James holy bible
2020-04-08 11:43 pm
TO understand what is taking place in our world requires wisdom to understand the will of GOD,and many pages would have to be written to be explained and since there is a division of belief of GOD existence makes it even more complicated and faith is the key to understand.GOD warned us of the one called SATAN who was granted by GOD to do has he so pleases for a time that he so chooses and that time is now or is known as the end times,SATAN knowing the time HE was granted is in the final stage that was granted HIM will surely unleash upon mankind the gates of hell,what we are witnessing today is only the beginning of what is yet to come.IT was for this very reason JESUS came into the world to teach us to warn us and to shed HIS blood for our salvation and to remove us out of what is to come.JESUS paid the price for our sins and we are free to accept or reject the choice is ours.  
2020-04-08 10:23 pm
People punish themselves .Even collectively . So they will motivate themselves to. Obey Mat. 5:48 GT .
2020-04-08 3:57 pm
All I know is now more than ever that every person in the world needs to get very serious about accepting God in their life and that everyone should definitely start a close relationship with God while they are still living and with that being said if anyone on here wants to improve their life and experience true happiness then they should make the best choice of their life right now and start a close relationship with God by them praying to God everyday for his help in every decision of their life everyday and in every situation of their life everyday for I guarantee if they do this everyday then their life will get better, they will have more peace, they will be more successful, they will have more happiness, and all their dreams will come true that’s because when they pray to God then God will make all good things possible for them and they must not forget to read the “Holy Bible” everyday and a great place for them to start in the holy Bible is (Psalms 1) and everyday after that read a chapter in Psalms till they finish all the chapters in Psalms then after that start on (Proverbs 1) then everyday after that read a chapter in Proverbs till they finish all the chapters in Proverbs and after that read every chapter of the Holy Bible until they finish it for it will change their life in the most amazing way
2020-04-08 3:07 pm
Why do people like you think that IF there was a 'God' he would be [or should be] like Santa Claus only giving gifts and blessings and requiring no sacrifice on OUR part? Even Santa promises a lump of coal if you're bad. IS GOD the reason for this global pandemic? As someone who believes in God - my answer has to be... I DON'T KNOW. I tend to believe that - sometimes - things just happen and that God is NOT behind it all.
2020-04-08 2:50 pm
Revelation says "don't attack Iraq or face God's wrath." Revelation 15 and 16 says that a very very very small part of God's wrath is 7 plagues (followed by much much much more punishments), followed by the destruction of all life on earth.
2020-04-08 1:04 pm
I love these "what if God existed" thought-experiments. I do them all the time here, even when not asked to.

Well, obviously God does what He does because He's God. Reasons don't matter because the point of believing is to go to Heaven. If that's God's will, then you best embrace it. You know what happens.

It's like the question I always ask myself. If God is real, why would He create a world where everything would point towards Him not existing. It's at the point of God telling you He doesn't exist Himself. And yet, He expects you to wholeheartedly believe in Him, or else…

God is angry with us, we mustn't forget. For eating a fruit. All Jesus' sacrifice did was allow us the opportunity to go to Heaven. Logically, that means God is still upset at us, LOL.
參考: Hence, coronavirus. I mean, just look at the position we're in. What kind of God would make a world where He'd punish you for doing what makes most sense, which is to not believe in any deity; and punish you for thinking critically? A cruel one, that's who. One who prefers mindless followers who don't challenge authority. Anyone who like those types of people aren't your friend.
2020-04-08 12:20 pm
God's issue is always with spiritual leaders. The Holy Ghost only accompany the one the Lord sends: 1. (OT) The Lord said listen to Judah, but people listened to Levi/Moses. 2. (NT) The Lord said listen to Simon Peter Barjona, but people listens to Paul/pope. 4500 years of disobedience.

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