
2020-02-14 12:29 pm
The [North Korean] Ministry of People’s Armed Forces ordered all guard posts to bar smuggling as well,” she said. “People, freight, nothing can come in or go out.”

回答 (4)

2020-02-14 1:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
🔷post(s):n.[C] <釋義> 崗位;哨所;站;(軍隊的)駐紮地;兵營;駐紮部隊
# “all guard posts”:所有警衛哨所
2020-02-14 1:48 pm
應該與前字連用guard posts是警崗,看英文不要只看一字!!!!
2020-02-16 12:46 pm
Post==As a noun that means "place where a soldier is on watch" 哨站. All guard posts= places with watchfulness against attacks etc. 全國哨站處於警戒線.
2020-02-14 12:35 pm
post (動詞) = 駐守/派駐

post (名詞) 便會是"一條柱",用點想像力,站崗的士兵像一支柱的站著!

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