
2019-10-22 10:22 am

回答 (3)

2019-10-22 2:02 pm
> 英文裡已有名詞//動詞,為何還要有動名詞?
最基本的原因就是: 英語(還有拉丁語系等等)使用者 對一個觀念 的衍伸 思考方式+邏輯 與 中語 使用者完全不同. 聊解了這一點,你才會完全 聊解 為甚麼 由X<動詞>衍伸 而出的<名詞>與<動名詞>是會不同的.

在英語裡面,一個觀念 和與它(文化或習慣上)有關的觀念群 都可以用一組類似的字群 裡面的一個字來表達. 

一般來說<動名詞>是在表達"動作的過程".而(動詞衍伸出來的)<名詞>多是 著重於(動作的)"結果".

例如說: move<動詞>所衍伸出來的:

move: This is a great move. 這是一個妙招.
move: His move to USA was quick. 他很快地搬到美國
mover: They are great movers. 他們是好的搬家工.
moving: Her moving to USA was messy. 她搬家過程很麻煩.
movement: The movement of water generates steady power.水的流動產生穩定的能量.
movelessness: The movelessness causes the blockage. 不動性造成了阻塞.

moving: a moving company 搬家公司
moved: Deeply moved, she cried. 她感動地大哭.
moveless: a moveless bird
moveable: a moveable building
2019-10-22 1:11 pm
1,動名詞用途其實兼具動詞與名詞功能,當動詞時,其後可接受詞,這與名詞不同,而當名詞時,需跟在介詞之後,不可在動詞之後,當其受詞。I am afraid of driving a car.
2,但也有例外,如I enjoy playing baseball.表示兩個動作同時發生
4,另外,因讀重音不同而意思有異,如dancing girl 有舞孃和正跳舞的女孩
2019-10-22 4:28 pm
"gerund" is form of a verb when used as a noun;having the (-ing) form of an English verb when also used as a noun.
Not I like a sport called a swim----noun.
Not I like to swim-----verb
As in gerund:-eg:-I am "fond of swimming"----gerund--correct.
I preferred "swimming" alone.---correct
(grammar) gerund is a noun in the form of the present participle of a verb(that is , ending in -ing) for example "swimming" in the above sentence;I preferred "swimming" alone.
Now gerund as the complement of the verb "to be":-eg:-
One of his dark duties is "attending" riot "meetings."
Now gerund after preposition must be used when a verb comes after a preposition:-eg:-
Can police shoot without "aiming" at rioters?
Police are good at "shooting" on rioters after "smoke-bombing."
Rioters avoided by "kicking" away the bombs towards the police front.
Rioters arrived in chosen Chinese Co.before "burning,rioting" all night.
The MTR decided against "rioting by closing and blocking".
In spite of "confronting missing,marching", they were "throwing" hand-grenade "disposing" bombs.
"Bombing,explosing,smoking, destructing,hand-grenading",they are "aiming" at the police with "masquerading masking wearing and disguising" as rioters.
Young female students are" looking" forward to "sexual-intercoursing" before the take of the gang to "rioting" in Monk-kok.
We are "looking" forward to "watching" them.
It might be worth "studying" the (-ing form) of a gerund.
2019-10-24 2:23 pm

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