關於as的用法 多益題目?

2019-10-21 5:04 am
The announcement was unexpected, as the musical received harsh criticism from renowned musical theater critic Jeffrey O'pry.

這個突如其來的宣布,導致音樂劇受到知名音樂劇評論家 傑佛瑞-歐普瑞 的嚴厲批評。

我想問的是 為什麼這裡的as可以當作導致的意思

回答 (2)

2019-10-21 4:33 pm
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The announcement was unexpected, as the musical received harsh criticism from renowned musical theater critic Jeffrey O'pry.

這個「獎」宣布得太出人意料之外了,因為連知名音樂劇評論家 傑佛瑞-歐普瑞 都曾嚴厲批評過這齣音樂劇。(我認為不該給它獎,這是我的理由)

在本句裡:連接詞as = because

As it was late, I decided to book into a hotel.
see p.61 Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary (new edition 2003)
2019-10-22 7:50 am
As the musical received criticism from Jeffrey O'pry Opera, It is unexpected TVB.
2019-10-21 10:50 am
本題的 as 文法如下,它是意譯為「導致」。
# as:[pron.代名詞] <釋義2>(引導子句,對前述內容作補充)本情況,該事實
例1. She has married again, as was expected. 她已再婚,這是意料中的事。
例2. We are tired, as anyone can see. 我們累了,這是有目共睹的。
# as:【代名詞】《関係代名詞》<釋義2.> [前または後にある主節全体を先行詞として,非制限的に用いて] それは…だが.
例. He was not English, as I knew from his accent.
# as:[PREPOSITION] <釋義2> During the time of being (the thing specified)
例1. ‘he had often been ill as a child’
例2. ‘Born in the Ukraine, he was brought to England as a baby and spent his childhood in Liverpool.’
<釋義1.> Used to refer to the function or character that someone or something has.
例1. ‘it came as a shock’
例2. ‘she got a job as a cook’

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