這句英文合語法嗎? Attached is the recommendation to be seek your approval.?

2019-09-13 11:07 am

回答 (10)

2019-09-14 8:36 pm
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The attached is the recommendation to seek your approval. 華語譯:附件是尋求(徵求)您的批准(承認)的建議(推薦)。
1. 主詞的形式,沒有形容詞、動詞的用法,而需以 "the + 形容詞、分詞"、"動名詞"、"不定詞" 的形式表現。
2. "to be seek(v.)" 不符合文法,以 "to seek" 不定詞就符合文法。
# "to be" 通常是 "to be + 形容詞" 表現。
2019-09-19 8:30 am
Attached is the recommendation for your approval.
2019-09-15 6:30 am
(1) attach - verb
I attach the recommendation for your approval.
I have attached ....
I am attaching ....

(2) attached - adjective
The attached document is the recommendation seeking your approval.
The recommendation attached is for your approval.
Please find attached (herewith) the recommendation for your approval.

(3) Attached is the recommendation to be seek your approval. (X)
"attached" is not a noun and can't be the subject of the sentence.
2019-09-13 3:48 pm
甚錯,他把一切動詞都作被動式地寫,但是後半是要求to seek "人" approval.

Attached is the recommendation to seek your approval.

假如只有一個"the" recommendation(原文這寫法便只有一個),其實還可以直接簡化為

Attached this recommendation for your approval.
2019-10-17 7:02 am
Attached contains the recommendation seeking your approval.
2019-09-22 9:54 am
Here within is my attached document for your approval.
2019-09-17 10:28 am
Attachment for your approval.
2019-09-16 3:04 pm
2019-09-14 8:30 pm
Here is the attached recommendation to be approved(by you).
2019-09-13 1:10 pm
簡單一點,attached recommendations for your approval

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