回復原狀的英文該怎樣說好呢? 情景大約是有位外籍同事跟你借了一件東西, 你是原整包裝的借他使用, 怎料他要還回來時不但沒有放回盒中,包裝也是亂七八糟 , 這時候你就對他說: 可以請你把東西回復原狀再退還嗎? (用意就是...我給你是什麼模樣,你還我時好歹也一樣吧...(汗?
回答 (5)
I expect it be returned in the original condition as when it was lent to you.
Would you please return it in the original condition ?
It is all messed up. Would you return it to the original status?
Would you return it to me according to the original packaging status? (你能依照原包裝狀態歸還給我嗎?)
Would you be kindly enough to return it to me in original form ?
收錄日期: 2021-05-01 14:39:33
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