請問You're booked in room 603是不是被動語態?

2019-08-10 4:21 am
You're booked in room 603 請問這是被動語態嗎?但中文是,你預訂了609號房。這怎麼是被動呢?謝謝

回答 (5)

2019-08-10 8:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
book (動詞,當作 紀錄 登記的意思)在慣例上 可以 以 主動 型態 或者是 被動型態 使用.
因為 到底是 你主動 找到603號房間 還是被指定到603號房間 並不重要.

所以 主動 或是被動 都是可以的.

You have booked room 603 for tonight. (OK)
You have been booked room 603 for two nights. (OK)
2019-08-10 5:20 pm
To starry starry night Vincent:-
active/passive voice grammatical is the form of a verb that shows whether the subject of a sentence does an action or has an action done to vincent.In grammar an active verb Or sentence has the person vincent or thing doing the action as its subject.
You have booked Room 603 (by the Hotel reception)-----passive
You have been booked Room 603 (by the Hotel reception)-----passive.
In "Room 603 has been booked for you"-----active voice
Hotel has booked you Room 603----active voice; present perfect tense
Hotel has been booked Room 603 for you-----active voice
You have booked Room 603----present perfect tense
You have been booked Room 603-----active voice
2019-08-10 10:43 am
You re booked in room 603.這句話的語意邏輯不正確。因為in room 603是句焦點,提供的是動詞book「發生的地點」,會讓句意錯亂。What are you doing now in room 603? 此外,you不是被book的物件,room 603才是。Room 603 has been booked for you.才正確。

I ve booked us two tickets to see Carman .(人在前)
= I ve booked two tickets for us to see Carman .(物在前,需加介系詞在人前)
= Two tickets have been booked for us to see Carman . 被動式動詞
2019-08-10 10:46 pm
You are(be動詞:現在式) booked(不及物動詞→過去分詞) in room 603. 華文譯:你(被)預訂603房。←← 這是現在式「被動語態」,因為這情境是:顧客向旅館訂房時,店員登錄並告訴顧客被預訂的房號。
2019-08-10 6:16 pm
you have booked 才是主動語............................

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