請幫忙中翻英,此兩櫃貨物預計8/19開始作業。我們接受客戶8/16前開立LC, 但請務必於8/16前開立。目前最快安排3櫃船期:ETC:8/30,但LC需與8/21前開立,假使David同意另外兩櫃,那這兩櫃船期會安排ETC:9/6(LC需與8/28前開立)?

2019-08-09 9:34 pm

回答 (1)

2019-08-09 10:53 pm
----In reply to your Co's enquiry, we have much pleasure in submitting the following:-
---(1) The two containers operate on 8/19;LC to be opened before 8/18.
---(2) The arrangement 3 containers shipping schedule are:-
--------ETC:- 8/30 ,LC to be opened before 8/21.
---(3)The David's arrangement on 2 other containers are:-
--------ETC 9/6;---LC to be opened before 8/28.

------We trust you will find these terms favorable.We have much pleasure in executing the orders on receipt of your Co's further instructions.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 00:32:34
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