If an immigrant fought a child molester?

2019-08-09 2:58 pm
Would it be Alien vs Predator?

回答 (8)

2019-08-09 7:31 pm
You missed the little yellow bus did you not.
2019-08-09 7:20 pm
It would. lol...
2019-08-10 1:07 pm
Only until the immigrant becomes a citizen, at which point he or she is no longer an alien.
2019-08-09 3:27 pm
The thing is that nine times out of ten, the immigrant IS the child molester, so it really falls under faux pas.
2019-08-09 3:18 pm
Not very sensitive, but that’s a good one
2019-08-09 3:07 pm
If it had Arnold in it
2019-08-09 3:05 pm

A great observation but should this post be in the 'Jokes' category?
2019-08-09 3:03 pm
Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa.........good one.

If they did fight a liberal judge would give neither jailtime.

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