最近在英文考卷上看到一個句子:You should save the dessert for after dinner. 請問真的有外國人會這樣用嗎 for是介系詞after也是介系詞 我是覺得蠻奇怪的?

2019-07-30 8:44 pm

回答 (7)

2019-08-02 3:05 pm
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for 後應加名詞,after dinner不是名詞。
原句應是省略 the time 而成。
You should save the dessert for the time after dinner
"after dinner",不用多說,大家都知道指"時間"即the time after dinner,是省去"時間""the time"而來。
the time 是名詞,after dinner是the time 的補述語。
2019-08-01 5:06 pm
Prepositional phrase can sometimes act as noun.
For example:
"Under the table" is a good place to hide.
"After dinner" is a good time to take a walk.

You should save the food for tomorrow.
"tomorrow" is a noun, acting as the object of the preposition "for".

You should save the dessert for after dinner.
"after dinner" is a noun phrase, acting as object of preposition "for".
2019-07-30 10:20 pm
2019-08-11 10:42 am
2,本句save for 是動詞片語,其受詞可置中或置後,所以寫成:You should save for the dessert after dinner. 較易明瞭,但若是代名詞:You should save it for after dinner. 就錯誤了。本句意思應將甜點在晚餐後食用,就是如此。
2019-07-30 9:50 pm
for=for the purpose of.
2019-08-02 2:01 am
google 一下嘛!就知道有沒有
Satisfy your sweet tooth with our recipes for after-dinner treats, including cookies, cakes, and pies. ...
after-dinner 是形容詞 形容詞為何可以作名詞解呢?英文跟中文不同
after dinner 明明就是副詞表時間 為何突然可以為了for 主動更改為名詞? after 表時間或者方位的介係詞 介係詞片語在句子中屬於副詞 沒有作名詞的介系詞片語 介係詞片語就是作副詞用而已
對 沒有在網路上找到這個句子
2019-08-02 10:57 am
《文法》after:[adj.形容詞] 釋義1. archaic Later. 例.He was sorry in after years.
# after:[adj.] 釋義1. 以後的 例. His health was declining in after years. (在以後的歲月,他的健康不斷衰退。)
本題:You should save the dessert for[介係詞] after[形容詞] dinner[名詞]. ←← for "after + dinner" 符合文法、正確的句子。
《辭典例句》例1. About my plans for after this...
例2. for after winter cometh summer, after night returneth day,
例3. I decided on my job for after I graduate.
卒業後の仕事を決めた。 -
例4. X is for after the age of forty.
例5. I rescheduled the welcome party for after the summer vacation.

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