請問Tom doesn’t even know who I am.這句把not even放句首,可寫成倒裝句嗎?

2019-06-16 5:21 pm

回答 (6)

2019-06-16 8:22 pm
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Tom doesn't know xxx.這裡的doesn't是一體的,用來幫動詞know形成否定的。在敘述句的情況下不能移到句前。
Doesn't Tom know xxx?這裡的doesn't移到句前,是為了形成yes/no question才倒裝的。
Tom doesn't even know xxx.這裡的副詞even是用來修飾述部的。表示對此事件感到意外或驚奇。如果放在句前,則成了修飾名詞Tom的修飾語。句意完全改變了。但不會有將not even一起移到句前的狀況發生。因為語法和語意上不正確(此外,does not也不能分開)。
2019-06-16 11:09 pm
Not even does Tom know who I am.←← "not" 助動詞 + "does" 置於 "Tom" 主詞之前,這就是「倒置(倒裝)」。
2019-06-16 6:52 pm
Tom didn't even know me not to mention he knows me.
2019-06-16 5:35 pm
"even" adverb; is used to invite a comparison between what happened and what might have happened, and cannot be placed at end of sentence grammatically; due to narrate an orderly account of events, in the form of , concerning with and able to describe well.
eg:-Tom never even know who I am( so Tom certainly did not even know me.)
Tom didn't even know me (not to mention he knows me.)
2019-06-16 8:48 pm
Not even Tom does know who I am.
not even 屬於部分否定性副詞 片語 , 所以 不倒裝 .

no more 屬於 完全 否定性副詞 片語, 所以 倒裝.

No more is he a teacher.
2019-06-16 7:51 pm
這樣寫啦,even tom doesn’t know who you are

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