
2019-05-25 10:56 am

回答 (2)

2019-05-26 1:24 am
Preposition tells the relation between a noun and another word.The relation, definitions and rules must be found and learnt from a book.eg:=
of:- prep.
indicating separation in space or time:-Ten miles south of Taiwan.
indicating origin, authorship:-a man of humble origin from Kaohuang NB:-"from the whole issue to a singular issue"
indicating cause:-die of grief
indicating relief, deprivation:-cure somebody of a bad habit
indicating material or substance:-a table of wood
forming adjective phrases, descriptive genitive :-goods of our own manufacture; Ting-fong,a girl of twenty years
in the pattern noun of noun:-He lives in a minister-palace of a house.
indicating partition, inclusion, measure:- a sheet of paper, a roll of cloth, a pint of milk,a ton of coal,acres of land.

with, prep. equavalent to constructions with the verb have, having, carrying:-eg:-
a coat with four pockets,; with your permission.
to indicate what is used for filling, covering,etc.The lorry are loaded with timber.
to indicate the means or instrument:-take something with both hands
to indicate accompaniment or relationship:-live with your parents.
to indicate antagonism, opposition:-fight/argue/struggle/quarrel,etc with somebody; in competition with; a battle with opposition party.NB" to associate one+ one to the whole issuse"
to indicate cause:-because of, owing to:-trembling with fear, a face wet with tears
to indicate manner:-do something with; with an effort, win with easy, win one's whole heart.
to indicate care, charge or possession:-Leave the child with his uncle;The next move is with you Ting-fong.It rests with you to decide.The decision rests with you.I have no money with me.
in regard to:-concerning:-be patient with them;sympathize with him,have Buz with somebody;It is a habit with some people. What's your Buz with him" What do you want with me ?

There are few rules to the use of prep:-of place or position,of time, denoting manner,The choice of prep. depends on the meaning to be conveyed.
2019-05-26 9:12 pm
with 用法
1.同、 與、 和、 跟
2019-05-25 12:46 pm
# "of" 的主要含義:[介係詞]
1. B(全體)的A(部分)。
2. B(人、物)的A(屬性)。
3. B(人)的A(行為)。
3a. 對於B(對象)的A(行為)。
4. A的份量的B。
5. B所謂A。

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