
2019-05-17 8:00 am
This year has tested the financial industry^s ability to withstand recession.

請問各位專家,原句本是正確 ,那麼如何看待這個句子. 感謝回答.

回答 (4)

2019-05-17 5:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
test (vt.) 考驗
This year has tested the financial industry's ability to withstand recession. (O)
= The financial industry has been good and strong to withstand recession despite the difficult situation this year.

(Other example from Longman Dictionary: The next six months will test your powers of leadership.)
2019-05-17 10:10 pm
[This year('s major political and economic events):主詞] [have tested:現在完成式] [the ability of the financial industry:受詞] [to withstand the recession:不定詞的受詞補語修飾受詞]. ←← 主詞若只是 "This year",雖然是正確的,但是,究竟是指什麼事,似乎不明確吧。所以,具體化成如上的主詞。
2019-05-17 12:07 pm
This year has tested the financial industry^s ability to withstand recession. (X)
The financial industry^s ability to withstand recession has been tested this year. (O)
The ability of financial industry to withstand recession has been tested this year. (best)
2019-05-17 9:58 am
S+have =have in this pattern indicated an obligation condition on what action the S has been taken
this year------a time phrase to be "a sign of political&financial"
has (been) tested------adv cl of concession, condition;the passive voice ;acted well,strong in the test of ability in that situation by the Company.
The financial industry's ability-------S
to withstand recession-------subordinative phr.of reason , manner
eg:- In a similar clauses:-
The power of China
to challenge usa
has been acted well and strong in the test of ability in that situation
this year in April.
How to deal with it?如何看待這個句子.?
eg:-financial services, financial advice in financial difficulty be dealt with China in China--vs--usa, ,because we are still financially dependent on her(=usa)
eg:-recession:-eg:-is a difficult time for the economy of China with less trade and Industry;current recession on Industry all unemployed in deep recession.Try make the gradual recession of China--vs--usa.
eg:-Industry:-the production of goods from raw material in factory is heavy/light industry--the need of American motor-car industry,the steel industry, from China in the China--vs--usa..Hence well and strong in the test of ability situation.
How dare you dislike me like mom !

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 18:21:32
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