
2019-04-20 3:40 am

回答 (3)

2019-04-20 11:37 am
Please tell us when to transfer payment because we will arrange the shipment around next Wednesday. If possible, please give us the address,TEL no,postcode,receiver in order to send the shipping documents to costumer. In addition,cable release or origin B/L is required for utt.Your cooperation is deeply appreciated.
2019-04-20 4:19 am
Please let us know when UTT will transfer the payment to us, while we attempt to arrange the shipment out next Wednesday. Please also provide the (client’s or consignee’s) address, telephone number, postcode and (recipient’s or consignee s) name for the respective shipping documents. Moreover, for bill of lading, would UTT need Telex Release or the Original?

註: 客戶端寄送 是指客戶買家?! 或是收貨受托人?
2019-04-20 11:12 am
Dear Sir/Madam Please let us know the time of remittance from UTT, for we are preparing to deliver the consignment on coming Wednesday. In addition, would you kindly at the that time to provide the detailed list of consignee with shipment documents, address, phone number and postcode; also, would like to know that bill of lading will either be sent by means of telegraph or just the original. Yip

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 14:38:37
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