英文太不好,請各位大大教導。 1.___(B)___ . his favorite food (A)Hamburger is (B) Hamburgers are (C) Hamburger (D) Hamburgers?

2019-04-07 9:51 pm

2. the men from? B:__(A)___. (A) Where are; The USA (B) Where is; UK (C) Where are; The Japan (D) Where is ; France 我想問的是這兩題答案為何 B,A

回答 (6)

2019-04-08 12:31 am
(1)(B) Hamburgers are---general plural no.
(2)(A) Where are the men from ? The USA.---used with a plural noun expressing a unit; ---used with a definite article The.
2019-04-07 9:54 pm
Hamburgers are his favorite food.
2019-04-13 12:49 pm
2019-04-09 9:25 pm
2019-04-09 4:12 pm
2.man為單數,指男生;men為複數,所以答案選A,where are
2019-04-09 12:13 am
Hamburgers 是可數名詞, 用are
2019-04-07 10:10 pm

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