If you give a Christian so much as a glass of water, you get a reward. So what are you waiting for?
回答 (12)
You can work your arms off too, and get a "praise the lord" in return too. Christians are by and large an ungrateful lot. Especially if you aren't a rabid christer.
My dad give a couple of Christians a job working on a burnt house that we own. (It wasn't burnt originally...) We were rewarded with attitude and a creeped-out neighbor lady, because the one guy kept going over to her house to use the bathroom while her boyfriend wasn't home.
False. It's a call to followers to show hospitality, which the least form of hospitality is to give a cup of cold water, to strangers because some of these have entertained angels without knowing it.
You are a bit mixed up. If a Christian "offers anyone a glass of water" (that is, if they show kindness and caring for someone), they will receive their reward.
Anyone who assists one of God's elect will not lose their reward.
Conversely, those who abuse will not escape the consequences.
It means to give a glass of water to someone you might get associated with , and therefore persecuted yourself .
I do better than that. When the JW's come to my house, I ask them to sit in my garden for a chat and offer them a beer.
I don't know where you got that from.
Not just Christians, all of God's creation could use a cup of cold water, Gunga Din, Aquarian.
Jesus is not selective from things in our past but see us all as God sees us, innocent...Matt 12.7
OK but my water's a tad yellow and warm, sorry.
My f'n glass of water ah sole!
收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:30:10
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