以下3點請幫忙翻譯成英文,越正確越好,謝謝 1.我們已收到銀行的信用狀通知,將安排人員進行領狀,感謝您的幫忙 2.關於附件信用狀標註需確認事項如下,其餘部分沒有問題 3.這三筆貨物船期整理如下,請注意,此日期為船代目前提供之預計時間,如之後有另外收到變動資訊,會立即更新給你?

2018-12-15 8:20 pm

回答 (2)

2018-12-16 4:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
Based on the content, 我們 should represent the exporter (seller of goods), who has received the notification from their bank (advising bank or seller's nominated bank) and would like to reply to the importer (buyer).

As notified by the advising bank, we will arrange to collect the letter of credit. Thanks for your help.

(hard to understand what you actually meant, it is my guess for your reference only)
The items needed to be confirmed as pertaining to the appendix of the letter of credit are listed as follows. There are no problems on the remanding parts.

The shipping schedules of the three shipments (of goods) are revised as follows. Please note that these dates are the estimation as currently provided by the forwarder. We will update you immediately for any changes thereafter.
2018-12-17 6:58 am
1) Having informed and received the Bank's letter of credit, we'll arrange to deal with this matter thank you;2) as referring to the detailed recognition as follows ,while there is no question for the rest; 3)In regarding to that three shipments of consignment, their dates of shipment are tentative and if there were any change then be notified accordingly. Yip

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 18:11:20
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