Sometimes I get scared that God is going to hurt me for the things I've said and done he wouldn't do that right? I hope I'm wrong?

2018-11-20 3:53 am

回答 (18)

2018-11-20 4:05 am
Relax, no gods exist.
2018-11-20 3:58 am
Personally, I wouldn't push it.
2018-11-20 3:54 am
Fear is the only enemy.
2018-11-20 4:12 am
2018-11-20 3:54 am
We have all said and done tons and tons of things wrong. All of us. Every person in heaven right now, has also said and done tons and tons of things wrong. We're all sinners. That's the point of Jesus dying for our sins.

Believe in Jesus to take you to heaven, and you are going to heaven. That easy. He will never hurt you, He loves you.

.The truth is that Jesus is God. Jesus loves you! Death leads to immediate heaven or hell, and it is too late to be saved, after death. The only way to heaven is by believing in Jesus. The truth is that believing in Jesus to take you to heaven apart from any of your works, is the only way to heaven. Jesus paid it all, so believe in Jesus, and you re saved. There is no chance to be saved after death. Jesus Christ is God, Jesus died on the cross to pay for all of our sins, all sins past and future, to make all our sins forgiven, past and future, and then Jesus resurrected from the dead. Nothing else pays for our sins, not works or deeds or religions or anything. You cannot add any works to salvation (Romans 4:5). So to be in heaven and not in eternal torment in the lake of fire, believe in Jesus Christ to take you to heaven. That easy! Tell Jesus right now that you believe in Jesus for eternal life, and you will be in heaven! Jesus loves you and wants to bless you now and throughout your life and forever!
2018-11-20 3:56 am
You're right. But you hurt yourself with the things you say and do. God can help you.
2018-11-20 3:55 am
You might explore that in Hebrews 9:27 and John 12:48.
2018-11-20 3:55 am
He might. You have to change to be forgiven.
2018-11-22 12:01 am
Jeremiah 29:11
“‘For I well know the thoughts that I am thinking toward you,’ declares Jehovah, ‘thoughts of peace, and not of calamity, to give you a future and a hope
2018-11-21 6:34 pm
God's involvement in human affairs is very rare. God never bothers who believes in Him. God doesn't watch each and every human being at the same time and cannot live with each and everyone to guide them. These works are done by the spirits. God had created different kinds of spirits for various purposes. He had made the spirits to watch, guide and determine the destiny of the human beings from their daily activities, talks and thoughts too. Your past determines your present and your present determines your future. God has given freewill to all creatures including human beings. According to this, all human beings have all right to live a life as they wish. But if it happens to be bad and hurts someone, they have to face the consequences. These consequences are created by spirits. It's a natural system. After death no one lives in any form. Heaven and hell are only for spirits, not for human beings. Spirits are separate elements. A human being is not a single spirit. A human being doesn't have a spiritual body. A human being during his/her lifetime is living with many spirits which have joined one by one since birth. They are knowledge, skills, feelings, emotions, interests and everything. Even thoughts are not your own. For example, when you want to take a decision on a subject, one after another the spirits think and you just listen, choose or reject the ideas which they transmit to your mind through your brain in the form of thoughts. Brain is just a media to connect the spirits to your mind. A mind is just a computer's mind. After the destruction of a computer completely you will not get it's mind. The same is the case with the human beings. Soul is nothing but an energy needed for the functionality of a body. It is not a spirit or anything else. All human beings are just robots made of flesh and bones and toys of the spirits for their games.
2018-11-21 1:01 pm
try not to worry. try to not do the things that cause you to worry, and you'll feel better
2018-11-20 12:27 pm
The almost worse thing is you return back "here" [he her re] for another death that we call life [the wages of sin is death [another] where you will receive the things you sent. [space is curved] and ["back" is be a seek] "Thou, shalt "not" murder" means those as "not god' are as false thoughts that shall murder thou who will return to murder "not god' as false thoughts can be murdered. ["shalt" is "shall" that crosses [t] back and Titus 5;3] is the washing of regeneration of the holy ghost is what saves us.] holy ghost comes back here and holy spirit is love that goes back to god. [same spirit at two ends] until we learn to reach love [no evil or good-no evil is already good] [lose the self to find the self] as love is "life" as the other tree. .But worse than coming back again is what happens next..those come back to "is" that's behind us, and start over, instead of coming back now. we are near the end of "is to come"and they sleep in dark at "was' next , then wake at "is." "G O D" is all three time periods [was-is-is to come]["we see only a book with words in side and a back cover] [we do not see "was"as the front cover has both outside of the G that is with god and the inside the G is the straight cord of man that returns to the O pen next. D is two halves as [is two come] has the light side that goes back to god outside the G and those inside the D as de pen goes back to "was' but still inside the G.. 6 6 6 has s-evens hid between each even as the plural [s] of six "even" goes back to god at s-even where S-EE is the same place as seven. the last river out of eden is not described because it is back to the first river already described makes three sevens [last is the first] and three sixes.[last bible verse is rev. 20:21 from 1 at the other end [21 as three sevens is contained within the holy bible] the tree of "life" is back to god outside the G [the way-the truth-and the life] says life happens last.
2018-11-20 5:04 am
Centuries ago King Solomon wrote:"Fear the true God and keep his commandments. For this is the whole obligation of man"-Bible Ecclesiastes 12:13. Fear of Almighty God Jehovah can have positive affects in one's life because it serves as a protection from calamity caused by the making of mistakes. This type of fear of God is an awe and a profound reverence for the Creator and a wholesome dread of displeasing him. He does not strike us with lightening bolts if we make mistakes but, he does expect us to live in a way that pleases him or will reap what we have sowed: Bible Galations 6:7,8.
參考: Bible/
2018-11-20 5:00 am
God never punishes .
2018-11-20 4:18 am
Stop worrying.
2018-11-20 4:06 am
yes, the scriptures say so,
and no there are people that believe the bible has been tampered with and did not say that God tortures people.
but generally, God will chastise the ones he loves, and those that endure the chastening of the Lord and keep the faith, are indeed his sons. but men must repent otherwise the chastening continues, there is even a verse about praying and heaping coals of fire on the heads of the wicked.
2018-11-20 4:00 am
When you face judgment, then he will burn you. While you are still alive, anything that happens is just the ball in play.
2018-11-20 4:00 am
Haven't you read his book?
Everybody dies in it.

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