πŸ“– Poll: Do you own a bible?

2018-11-09 9:12 am

ε›žη­” (179)

2018-11-10 9:36 am
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Yes I do I have two of them. One is Student bible New English Version I believe and the other one is just an King James Version
2018-11-09 10:52 pm
The Lad Bible yes.
2018-11-09 10:35 pm
Yes, a hebrew bible (I’m Jewish).
2018-11-09 9:16 am
Hell No!
2018-11-09 9:13 am
but luckily
some helpful fella or lady posted it on the internet.
2018-11-10 4:51 pm
Wiccan...so no
2018-11-09 9:19 am
Yes. And the Gnostic Bible, the Jefferson Bible, the Koran, the Satanic Bible, the Dhammapada, the Tao Te Ching, the Upanishads, and a couple other religious holy books from various religions.
And I'm an atheist.

Yes, thumbs down for being well read and well educated on religion and being an atheist. At least I know what I'm talking about.
2018-11-10 12:47 am
2018-11-10 1:25 am
yes but need to start reading it more often
2018-11-09 9:15 am
Own it and read it.
2018-11-10 1:42 am
No I don’t own that trash πŸ—‘
2018-11-10 12:22 am
I used to, back when I believed in religious fairytales.

But since I'm an adult now, I don't. I gave it away to my rather religious neighbor.
2018-11-09 8:01 pm
NO. I refuse to ever own one. Why? Because I’m an atheist and I don’t want a Bible in my home.
2018-11-09 6:50 pm
Yes, several, including a Hebrew Bible & a Septuagint (early Greek translation).
2018-11-09 9:13 am
2018-11-10 2:41 am
nope I need to get a new one though.
2018-11-10 2:26 am
Several. I need those to remind myself just how repulsive the christian god is.

You'll know what I'm talking about if you've read the old testament.
2018-11-10 1:23 am
No sane person owns a Bible.
2018-11-11 12:09 am
I do, and I have read it.
2018-11-09 11:59 pm
2018-11-09 7:15 pm
Yes, but I am NO Christian. Odds are I know more about it then most Christians.
2018-11-09 11:27 am
Yes, I do...
2018-11-09 12:56 pm
Yeah. It has provided very little refuge, but I've owned a Bible all my life in one version or another.

My verbally-abusive mom is obsessed with it.


Even a TV has the option.

Shan't be perceived as a complete contradiction.

It's everywhere, so...
2018-11-09 7:08 pm
no i m not christian
2018-11-09 11:47 am
yes two one a pagan Roman Catholic and a real KJV
2018-11-09 9:17 am
S :) I should read it though.
2018-11-12 6:49 am
2018-11-12 5:56 am
Yes, I own several copies of the bible.
2018-11-11 1:06 am
Yes A Large Print Bible
2018-11-10 12:40 pm
It makes really good toilet paper.
2018-11-10 10:07 am
Yeah to wipe my *** with it.
2018-11-09 2:17 pm
2018-11-09 1:06 pm
2018-11-09 11:23 pm
Anyone with possession of a bible should spend some time in prison
2018-11-09 10:30 pm
No, thank god!
2018-11-09 3:54 pm
Not since I was a kid...
2018-11-09 7:14 pm

2018-11-09 6:01 pm
I have a modern Bible, but the language is a bit boring; give me a King James Bible anyday. Also have a copy of the Koran.
Every one should own a Bible, complete works of Shakespeare, An encyclopaedia, An Atlas, and some local road maps....
2018-11-09 12:14 pm
I do.
2018-11-09 11:17 am
2018-11-09 9:14 am
Yes but I never read it.
2018-11-09 12:35 pm
No because religion is overrated, and is the cause of far too many of Earth's problems over the years.
2018-11-09 9:20 am
No, I don't
2018-11-09 9:18 am
I have one or two lying around, not that I subscribe to it. They're everywhere even every hotel room. Just part of the furniture...
2018-11-14 2:15 am
IIE mean NO at Japan, 99.54% of people of Japan not believe Bible. Never have good reason own a Bible.
2018-11-13 12:47 am
My parents gave me one when I was a child, but I threw it away when I left their home. I have no use for it now.
2018-11-12 4:12 am
2018-11-11 8:25 pm
Yes! Even though I'm not a Christian
2018-11-11 7:36 pm
Well of course!!
2018-11-11 5:01 pm
There's one in my house but I don't own it.
2018-11-11 4:22 am
Yes. A few of them actually.
2018-11-11 4:12 am
Several, yes.
2018-11-11 12:18 am

I have an old RSV my grandma gave me in 1968, a newer KJV I use all the time, a small one in my motorcycle the CMA gave me. Plus the old family KJV from 1920.

I have read it 4 times; on my fifth.
2018-11-10 6:35 pm
I was given a free Gideon’s pocket-sized Bible at school.

Like most of the other boys there I loved it as I quickly found that it made excellent cigarette rolling paper, and if you chewed the paper and spat it out through a straw it stuck to the walls and ceilings very nicely.

I did try reading it, but it was tedious and contradictory nonsense.

Someone later thought it was a good idea to give me a copy of The Amplified Bible whilst we we on a school camping trip. The paper it was printed on was fairly soft and absorbent, so when almost all 60 of us ended up with the squits with only three chemical toilets available, that Bible granted me the independence to run into the woods and be confident of having suitable paper to wipe with. Thank you Zod. Or whatever they call you...
2018-11-10 6:28 pm
I threw it away
2018-11-10 11:41 am
Yes, both paper and electronic. I don't really need to use them much, though, as there are sites like biblegateway where you can look up anything now.
2018-11-10 9:21 am
2018-11-10 5:12 am
Yes. But it was given to me as a gift by a former coworker who was a devout Christian after I had attempted suicide last year. I'm an Athiest, though.
2018-11-10 4:38 am
Toilet paper.
2018-11-10 12:40 am
2018-11-09 10:02 pm
yes, i do in my room :) .

i have a secret place... my dresser with mirror ;) .
2018-11-11 11:00 pm
Every one should own a Bible, regardless of their beliefs. It is the most important piece of writing ever produced, especially in the western world, (although we do not own it). It has had more influence of the modern world than any other single thing, and the effect is magnified by the fact most other influential documents (outside of Asia), from the Magna Carta to the Koran are based in whole or in part on ideas from The Bible. Even psychological fields owe a debt of gratitude to The Bible, and the hard sciences as well. I could go on and on... and I'll be glad to defend or ellaborate on any of these points if anyone wishes.
2018-11-11 10:16 pm
five countries where owning a Bible is dangerous:
North Korea

Current Bible Societies:

British and Foreign Bible Society (1804)
National Bible Society of Ireland (1806)
Bible Society of Northern Ireland (1807)
Scottish Bible Society (1809)
Bible Society of India (1811)
Finnish Bible Society (1812)
Russian Bible Society (1813/1990)
Icelandic Bible Society (1815)
Swedish Bible Society (1815)
American Bible Society (1816)
Norwegian Bible Society (1816)
Bible Society In Australia (1817)
Hellenic Bible Society (1819)
Bible Society of South Africa (1820)
Colombian Bible Society (1825)
Bible Society New Zealand (1846)
Philippine Bible Society (1900)
Alliance Biblique Française (1901)
Canadian Bible Society (1906)
Japanese Bible Society (1937)
Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft (German Bible Society) (1948)
Sociedade BΓ­blica do Brasil (Brazilian Bible Society) (1948)
Hungarian Bible Society (1949)
Bible Society of Nigeria (1966)
Slovak Bible Society (1990)
Ukrainian Bible Society (1991)
Slovenian Bible Society (1993)

Non-UBS Bible Societies:
Naval and Military Bible Society 1779
International Bible Society now called Biblica (1809)
Trinitarian Bible Society (1831)
Pennsylvania Bible Society (1808)
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania (1884)
Valera Bible Society (2001)
King James Bible Society
2018-11-10 6:29 am
No, there are children about.
2018-11-10 2:28 am
No I dont
2018-11-10 2:03 am
Yes, a Jewish Bible, aka Tanach.

Specifically, a Hebrew/English transaction one by Koren publishers.

Similar to this: https://www.korenpub.com/koren_en_usd/koren/tanakh-bible/the-koren-jerusalem-bible-620.html
2018-11-10 1:04 am
2018-11-11 2:15 am
Yes, I do.....it was a gift, and mostly holds all these religious do dads, and mass cards, and things I've picked up over the years
2018-11-10 8:55 pm
Nobody owns Bible..... one can only own a book of Bible and I don't.
2018-11-10 2:18 am
Yes. I have a collection of rare bibles from the middle ages.
2018-11-10 2:12 am
no as it is boring fiction.
2018-11-10 12:03 am
The Satanic Bible. Lmao
2018-11-09 3:28 pm
Yes I do.
2018-11-09 1:13 pm
2018-11-09 10:51 am
2018-11-10 6:44 pm
more than one, all KJV
and all Bibles' misread by people
2018-11-10 1:35 am
four of them..
2018-11-09 9:25 pm
I do πŸ™‚
2018-11-09 11:54 am
Several of them.
2018-11-09 9:28 am
its within reach now
2018-11-09 9:14 am
Yes have 3 of them
2018-11-09 9:15 am
No preacher
2018-11-09 9:18 am

I own the Antichrist Kitaab

2018-11-09 9:13 am
A borrowed bible. I need to buy my own
2018-11-14 8:36 am
I have 9. From simple paraphrased editions all the way to the New Jerusalem Bible, which I believe is the absolute best.
2018-11-14 8:32 am
2018-11-14 1:44 am
Absolutely, positively I do own the Bible of the only true God Jehovah.
2018-11-13 9:55 pm
Yes, but I never read it
2018-11-13 1:38 pm
I don't have that.
2018-11-13 2:26 am
More than one.
2018-11-13 12:50 am
Yes I have several of them. I read from the internet every day too.
2018-11-12 8:19 pm
2018-11-12 8:16 pm
Yes. 3
2018-11-12 3:06 pm
No, and if I did, I'd burn it
2018-11-12 1:05 pm
2018-11-12 8:52 am
a few of them
2018-11-12 8:33 am
yea it helps when I run out of toilet paper
2018-11-12 7:20 am
Several including the text for teaching Bible Study.
In addition to religion of other nations on this planet.
My faith preference is Humanism as recognized
by Federal Directorates.
2018-11-12 6:09 am
There is one in my house from when I was given it at school, but it is never used!
2018-11-12 3:26 am
yes, the new testament though.
2018-11-12 3:18 am
I actually went to go look up something in the Bible the other day and realized I don’t have one. I should though Incase I ever need to swear on the Bible..
2018-11-12 3:18 am
Yes, I’ve had it since my baptism.
2018-11-12 2:13 am
2018-11-12 1:06 am
Yes, it was given to me by a pastor. I plan to hold on to it as long as I can
2018-11-12 12:40 am
I have access to the Bible online.
2018-11-12 12:23 am
No I don’t. I have a bible but it’s at my parents house
2018-11-11 11:50 pm
Within six foot of where I am is three Bibles, a Qur'an and a dictionary, all needed to understand the world we live in.
2018-11-11 11:46 pm
Yes i do
2018-11-11 9:47 pm
No, I'm wiccan.
2018-11-11 8:35 pm
2018-11-11 7:14 pm
yes I do. Lol.
2018-11-11 6:17 pm
YES, but some pages are missing
2018-11-11 1:39 pm
Ye, but my brother took it to university with him
2018-11-11 12:46 pm
Yes, I do. But I usually dig for needed scriptures online.
2018-11-11 11:40 am
No, but I still read it, lol.
2018-11-11 11:39 am
Yes, I do own one.
2018-11-11 8:06 am
Yeah like 6
2018-11-11 7:11 am
I dropped it on the BBQ by accident at a friend's wedding
2018-11-11 6:18 am
One. It was a gift. One I didn't want..
2018-11-11 5:19 am
Yes I do! And I need to read it more often.
2018-11-11 4:57 am
2018-11-11 4:34 am
2018-11-11 3:26 am
No god
2018-11-11 3:25 am

Non Christian
2018-11-11 3:12 am
2018-11-11 2:47 am
It’s not my religion. So no lol
2018-11-11 1:59 am
No, I stopped reading fairy tales somewhere around gr. 1.
2018-11-11 12:30 am
I own a few, but in this age of cellphones and tablets, there are free apps that have all versions of the Bible. There’s really no reason for me to spend money on a Bible when there are free apps.
2018-11-10 10:44 pm
I lost it a long time ago, my wife owns on.
2018-11-10 10:35 pm
I own one and we have a family bible.
2018-11-10 8:52 pm
I do indeed
2018-11-10 8:01 pm
No but I have read most of it.
2018-11-10 7:47 pm
Yes about 3
2018-11-10 7:15 pm
Yes we own a bible and once I borrowed one old legible old Testament of Bible and read only a few pages and presto like Mahatma Buddha the key to life or my consciousness started to glow like a diamond and I realised the meaning of life and what is my goal or God or a fault and I closed the Bible and made my own principle of life and existence.
2018-11-10 6:28 pm
yes, I use KJV and I also have 1 on my phone
2018-11-10 6:02 pm
My mum owns a few. I have a children's Bible from when I was christened over ten years ago. I keep that in my wardrobe.
2018-11-10 3:04 pm
As a kid the church I went too gave me one.
It even had my name on the front. don't know what happen to it

I pick up a couple years back when I started going back to Church
2018-11-10 2:20 pm
2018-11-10 1:36 pm
Yes, I own two Bibles. One is the nominal "family Bible" and the other is one I was given as a Sunday School gift from my church when I was in the second grade.

Although I am spiritual, I am not religious, and I regard the Bible as a book a parables and not the so-called Word of God. However, I respect the beliefs of those who do incorporate the Bible into their religion. So let me clue you in on something here: It's a common courtesy to capitalize the Bible when write about it. Even many "Bible-fearing Christians" don't seem to know this.
2018-11-10 12:50 pm
I have a bible, but I do not own it,
2018-11-10 12:36 pm
nope but my grandpa did
2018-11-10 12:24 pm
Yes i do i had get for my camp i went to and i loved that camp wish wasnt so hot for it by me where i moved or would of be helping out but i dont think we have it here
2018-11-10 11:10 am
2018-11-10 11:06 am
2018-11-10 9:32 am
Yes I do :)
2018-11-10 9:22 am
Yes on my iPhone
2018-11-10 8:24 am
Yes. In fact, I own a copy of the only complete and accurate English translation: The King James Bible.
2018-11-10 4:30 am
2018-11-10 4:20 am
I own 4 of them.
2018-11-10 4:04 am
Two bibles and a lot of other christian books collecting dust in my old room.
2018-11-10 3:51 am
Yes, two
2018-11-10 3:24 am
yes several
2018-11-10 2:19 am
2018-11-12 1:32 am
There are 2 well read Bibles and a Koran in this house. We are Atheists.
2018-11-11 4:13 am

An old KJV of my father’s.

I threw out my other bibles after I renounced Christianity.
2018-11-11 2:08 am
Actually I do, yes. I also have it on my I phone, ESV’s both.
2018-11-10 9:18 pm
No and I don’t want to
2018-11-10 8:24 pm
Yes I do.
2018-11-10 4:50 pm
Not since I was a kid...
2018-11-10 12:27 pm
2018-11-10 8:02 am
Yes yes I do
2018-11-10 5:27 am
Yes, my favorite is one that my Sunday School class gave me. It is 40 years old. I have two others that are like new.
2018-11-10 2:08 am
Two, three if you count the mini Gideon's Bible that has a little more than the New Testament. The one I use the most, though, is a New King James Version. My favorite verse is Matthew 25:35-46. It gives me hope.
2018-11-09 11:01 pm
I own a Jewish Bible
2018-11-09 10:01 pm
Yes, I do.
2018-11-09 10:00 pm
three, actually. Plus one as an ebook (pdf). Different versions, one was mine from when I was a child (got at Sunday School), one was a gift with my name embossed on it (from my religious brother after he found Jesus again), and one I picked up somewhere over the years. Every once in a while I will read some section or other that came up in a discussion somewhere. I like to go to the source when I disagree with someone. I don't usually bring up the bible as proof of anything, ever. I do like to refute claims by referring to what is actually there, though. And some parts are actually interesting reading of themselves, just because.
2018-11-09 2:00 pm
2018-11-09 9:57 am
A few. My favorite is my 1977 NASB.
2018-11-11 9:01 pm
Yes, I owned the original, written by God himself, you have no idea how much people tried to kill me over the years to own it, and I mean ppl who know how, then I burned it and I felt safer, although I still feel someone watching me.
2018-11-10 12:15 pm
Yes I think it is up in the attic
2018-11-10 5:04 am
Yes, along with a Torah, Qu'ran, The Book of Mormon, The Karma Sutra and many, many more.
2018-11-10 12:58 am
Always πŸ‘!!!!!!.......
2018-11-09 7:04 pm
yes but I have not read it
2018-11-10 10:06 pm
whats a bible?
2018-11-10 10:50 am
The bible of Winning. It's a one of a kind. I'm almost sure no one else owns one.
2018-11-10 3:36 am
Yes, but unfortunately I don't read it as much as I'd like to
2018-11-09 6:20 pm
I need to buy a paperback
2018-11-09 12:43 pm
I have a tiny keychain bible that came with a bottle of hot sauce I bought some time ago. It was called "Holy Ghost sauce"
2018-11-09 10:07 am
I don’t have a bible but I got a gift from a dear friend that has some bible verses in it
2018-11-09 2:01 pm
Since I'm Jewish I have the Jewish version, the Tanakh. It is mostly what the Christians refer to as the Old Testament, but with a few differences in content and a lot of differences in order.
2018-11-09 9:41 am
I only read non fiction

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