翻譯英文問題 (Urgent) -
(Kindly provide your consent via E-mail)
如果想回覆 - 我同意
英文點打? Many thanks.?
回答 (5)
1.非正式: agreed.
I am writing this email to express my agreement on what was proposed in the email from Mr. Chung at November 3rd, 2018 to Mr. Won and myself re: the bank robbery plan.
Re:(---):-I hereby give my consent on this E-mail to permit you to do (----), especially by you(=someone) in authority and be in responsible for it.
I accept your request or your request was granted. Yip
O.Chung Man。
(Urgent) - (Kindly provide your consent via E-mail)
#1 Yes, I am.
#2 Yes, I consent.
#3 Yes, I agree it.
(緊急) - (請通過電子郵件提供您的同意)
#1 我是。
#2 是的,我同意。
#3 是的,我同意。
收錄日期: 2021-04-18 18:09:56
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