請問為什麼 listen 是不及物動詞,而 hear 是及物動詞?請用這兩個字說明及物和不及物的區別,謝謝?
回答 (2)
1. listen 主要是在強調主詞本身 "集中注意力地" "傾"聽. 並不一定要"聽到神東東"的. 所以是 不及物動詞.
2. 但是 它在英語古語 裡面是可以當作 "及物動詞"(=hear)來用的.
3. 比較: listen與hear:
hear是強調 "從XXX接受到聲音訊號" 所以多是 用來當"及物動詞".
listen主要是在強調主詞本身 "集中注意力地" "傾"聽. 並不一定要"聽到神東東"的. 所以是 不及物動詞.
transitive adj. in grammar of a verb is taking a direct object.:-hear, vt.. The past.tense--heard--perceive sound,with the ears.
eg:-I heard the dog barking.
eg:-Did you hear the dog go out?
eg:-Have you heard the dog's news?
eg:-I heard that the dog was ill.
eg:-I have heard that your dog is dead. Did you hear the sound of silence or to the sound of silence ?You will hear about this later.
eg:-We listened yesterday but could hear nothing !
The intransitive adj.vi. of verbs is used without a direct object.It means try to hear; pay attention.
eg:-If he wants to get you into trouble, don't listen to him.
eg:-Did you listen in ?
eg:-Please listen carefully.
eg:-We listened yesterday but could hear nothing. Still we listened. Not nesessarily listen to anything;ie:-listen to music !?
eg:-Boys heard their father's voice but were not listening.
# listen:vi.不及物動詞
1. <意識的> 聽,留神聽[(+to)]
例. She's listening to the radio. 她在聽廣播。
例. Each night after dinner we like to listen to the news. 每天晚飯之後我們都喜歡聽新聞。
2. 聽從,聽信[(+to)] 例. Children should listen to their parents. 孩子應該聽父母親的話。
# hear:
1. 聽見;聽[W][O3][O4][O7] 例. I heard him say so. 我聽到他這麼說過。 例. I can hear someone knocking. 我聽到有人敲門。
2. 聽說,得知[W][+(that)][(+about/of)] 例. I heard that he was ill. 我聽說他病了。
3. 注意聽,聽取 例. We'll be glad to hear your opinion of them. 我們將樂於聽取你對他們的看法。
4. 審理;聽(證人)陳述 例. A woman judge heard the case. 一位女法官審理了這一案件。
1. 聽得見;聽 例. I can't hear very well. 我聽不太清楚。
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