Father always tells us not to eat French fries so often. 請問可以寫成Father always tells us don't eat French fries so often. 嗎?

2018-10-24 9:09 am

回答 (5)

2018-10-24 10:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
Father always tells us not to eat French fries so often. (X)
=> My dad always told us not to have french fries so often. (O)

Father always tells us don't eat French fries so often.(XXXXX too many errors)
=> My dad always told us "Don't you have french fries so often". (O)
2018-10-24 1:52 pm
○例1. Father always tells us (that) not to eat French fries so often.
○例2. Father always tells us (that) don't eat French fries so often.
# 解說:
1. 這兩例句係兄弟姊妹之間的會話,主詞是"father"。
2. "always"係頻率副詞,表示父親的這句話是經常性的,而動詞(tells)要使用第三人稱單數現在式。(always辭典例) He always is /íz/ late.
3. "to eat French fries" 與 "to have French fries"的用語並無差別,都是「吃炸薯條」。
4. 兩例句都省略了"that"(關係代名詞)。
5. 例句2的"do"係強調語氣。
2018-11-13 10:14 am
不知所謂, 這本來是很基本的語法.

Imperative mood (command, order or request) :
Don't eat french fries so often! (subject pronoun "you" omitted)

A direct speech your father always says to you:
My father always says, "don't eat french fries so often."

When converting to an indirect speech involving imperative mood, we use to-infinitive positive sentence or not to-infinitive for negative sentence. (that-clause is only used for indicative mood only!!!!)

My father always tells us/me not to eat french fries so often. (us or me must be added to indicate the omitted you)

positive sentence: My father always tells me to do exercise regularly.
2018-10-24 12:07 pm
子戶之星所答是對的,動詞前如有時間副詞如always , often等不加s,動詞加 s是在現在式的時態,但always 是很多次以來的經驗,基本上與在講現在式的事實有別,不是講現在的情形,故不加s.
2018-10-26 10:18 am
Amendment: My father always tells that French fries being junk food, don't eat too often. Yip

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