Kathy will keep the basket filled with candy. 為什麼未來式是用動詞加ed?

2018-10-09 8:20 pm

回答 (5)

2018-10-17 8:19 pm
Kathy "will keep" the basket filled with candy.
1. 這句話的真正動詞是 keep~ 而未來式就只是加個will就好了~
2. 你說的filled是形容詞子句的動詞~ 所以真正的原句是 Kathy will keep the basket (which is filled with candy), 然而,fill不會被真正的句子時態所影響~
3. A is filled with B ---> A被B所裝滿/ 充滿,所以原意是 "Kathy會保留這個(裝滿糖果的)藍子。
而這個時候形容詞子句的which is通常會省略,就形成現在該題的句子~

我是英文老師~ 有機會找我喔~
2018-10-09 10:28 pm
# 原句:Kathy will keep the basket filled with candy. (凱西將保留裝滿糖果的籃子。) ←← "filled":形容詞,"filled with candy"係修飾語,修飾"basket"。#例. a heart filled with grief (一顆充滿悲傷的心)
# 假設:例. Kathy will keep the basket which is filled with candy. (凱西將保留[被]裝滿糖果的籃子。) ←← [which "is filled" ……]:這是關係子句:現在式 + 被動語態(過去分詞)。原句省略了 ”which is”的說法,應該是不成立的。
2018-10-11 12:04 pm
(1) keep (transitive) - to make something stay in a particular condition
e.g. Kathy will keep the basket full (adjective) of candy. 將會 使籃子 保持裝滿糖果

(2) keep (intransitive) - to continue doing something
e.g. Kathy will keep filling (present participle) the basket with candy. 將會 繼續 把籃子裝滿糖果

(3) keep (transitive) - not to throw it away
e.g. Kathy is going to throw away all the stuff on the table, but she will keep the basket which is filled with candy.
2018-10-10 8:23 am
participle (grammar) is a verbal adjetive qualifying "basket", but retaining some properties of a verb "to be filled"--"which is filled"-(which is is omited)---adj clause---adjective of a participle--a participial adjective=eg.filled with candy=a past participle; in passive voice; with no future tense futurity event is the clause
2018-10-09 8:52 pm
filled with candy跟未來式沒關係
Kathy will keep the basket which is filled with candy.
中文-->Kathy 將會讓籃子裝滿糖果
未來式是will keep
which is filled with candy是形容詞子句

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