be reluctant to be famous for 這種片語中間為什麼都是用形容詞?

2018-10-07 1:13 pm

回答 (3)

2018-10-08 7:58 am
In the sentence pattern:-S-V-Subj complement where the sc is either adj. or V to be or be reluctant, hence reluctant.
reluctant is an adjective to do something, or slow to act as an actor because unwilling, sex, or disinclined to offer resistance, an actress.
eg:-She seems reluctant to act as an actor.
eg:-She is reluctant to be famous for the Hollywood film star casting.
Since relutant is an adj in this type of pattern phrase, then it is an adjective.
2018-10-07 7:31 pm
形容詞(例. reluctant, famous, ……)除了修飾名詞之外,大多是作為主詞補語(S.C),也就是常以英文五句型的第二型:S + V + S.C 出現。其中的V,大多是be動詞。
所以,形容詞片語大多是如:be reluctant to, be famous for, ……。
例1. She was reluctant to go to college.
例2. a reluctant consent
例3. London was once famous for its fogs.
例4. My city is famous for its fireworks.
例5. a famous golfer
2018-10-07 1:44 pm
因為有 be動詞
be reluctant
be famous

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