請問各位會英文的大大,可以幫我翻譯以下這段嗎?謝謝(急需!!!) 在設計時,藉由竹鶴觀音三種物件配置讓燈具更有戲劇張力,並透過霧面上蓋的反射及光線形的變化讓空間帶來更多的趣味,並且結合不斷旋轉動態感的鶴,營造出作品更蓬勃的生命力。?

2018-09-06 7:34 pm

回答 (2)

2018-09-06 8:56 pm
In the design with the 3 kinds of objects-configurations of Bamboo-Crane-Kwan-yin the Buddha,
to let the lamps more dramatic tensor-tension;
and through the foggy surface of the reflection and light-hue changes to bring more fine space;
and the combination of constantly rotating dynamic large wading Crane- object;
have been reacting a more vigorous, vitality of the wholle work !?
2018-09-07 9:18 am
If you want to design a lantern which were made up of three elements i.e. the bamboo, crane and Goddess of Mercy; so as to become dramatic performance and let the misty top of the lantern to reflect and changing the lighting effects with fun, especially the movement of rotation of the crane brings out that master piece of product with vivid feelings. Yip

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