請問各位會英文的大大,可以幫我翻譯以下這段嗎?謝謝大家 作品名稱:竹苞松茂 設計理念:作品發想來自〈竹鶴觀音〉,能藉由送禮傳達畫作背後所蘊含「六鶴迎春」的意象,並將畫作及其背後的含義將作品取名為「竹苞松茂」。?

2018-09-06 7:33 pm

回答 (1)

2018-09-07 1:02 am
"Bamboo Crane Goddess of Mercy" design concept are that
the work comes from them by giving a gift to all
tp convey the image behind the painting
"Six Cranes welcome Spring"
and the painting meaning behind has
the insight power of seeing into things with the mind of "Flourishing Life".

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 18:11:38
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