以下請幫我中翻英 想跟您釐清以下問題: 1.請問您在中國待到什麼時候?寄送到中國所需時間從確認訊息開始,需要四天時間才會抵達。2.您所在位置為浙江,寄送運費為台幣158元,加上可能產生額外關稅。3.若無ATM,可用貨到支付運費方式。4.最後需請您留下中國端的聯絡電話與聯絡人即可。?

2018-08-25 10:32 am

回答 (2)

2018-08-26 2:20 am
To Justify:-
(1)How long will you stay in China? It takes 4 days for the consignment delivery;Or ask somebody else ?!
(2)Your Chekiang Province charge is NT$158+additional tariffs; Or ask somebody else ??!!
(3)If ATM not available, use FOB freight-method to pay; Or ask somebody else ???!!!
(4)At last, please leave your phone no. and name to contact, esp. out of goods; Or ask somebody else ????!!!!
2018-08-26 3:20 am
In order to justify that problems which are listed as followings:(1) Will you please tell me how long to stay in China ? As far as I know that the arrival time of consignment will be four days w.e.f. confirmation to delivery; (2) As your destination of dispatch is in Chekiang Province and that the charge will be NT$ 158 with additional tariffs;(3) If ATM is not available and freight will be paid on arrival of consignment; (4) At length, will you please to leave the phone no. and name of person to be contacted. Yip

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