有關 “no” 英文字 的問題?

2018-08-05 8:22 am
“no” 英文字後面的 “noun” 及 “verb”




所以我不太清楚 “no” 英文字後面的名詞及動詞,在什麼時候會用單數,在什麼時候會用複數。



回答 (5)

2018-08-05 8:05 pm
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There "is" no book on the desk.
No man "is" without his faults.
No news "is" good news.(不可數名詞)
There "is" no water on the moon.(不可數名詞)

2. No+複數名詞+複數動詞:意思也是連一點或一個都沒有(主詞和動詞在數上要一致)
There "are" no clouds in the sky.
No two plants "are" alike.

2018-08-07 3:52 pm
You use "no" to give a negative response to a question
Any problem?No.---We thought you'd emigrated TW---No.---You're getting worse than me---No.---I don't know him, do I?---No, you don't.

The usage of no refers in front, not n. v. after.
There "is" no book on the table.
No man" is" to be called a man ,in a state refering,without his faults.
--Use no for correction:-
eg:-500 grams "no", a little less than that for the "Ginseng herb"sell in the Chinese shop ?!
eg:-The killer--"Oh no."
--Use "no" when saying something does not exceed:-
eg:----"no" later than the end of 2047.
eg:---"-no" fewer than 4 climbers reached the Mt. Everest summit.
eg:----will be" no" more effective than his predecessor's job earning.
The sequence tense for the plural in "nos."
eg:-The elections in Beijing are of "no" importance in themselves to See jin-ping.
eg:-According to the latest polls, the "nos" have 52 percent, the "yes" are 28 percent.
eg:-There are "no" clouds in the "cloud-Top"computerized .
2018-08-06 3:36 pm
no 後面一律接名詞(指直接接於no後的單字),不可是動詞,not 才是後接動詞如do not do it, do not move.
另如 no money, no happiness等,緊接於no後面,即使是動作,也必須是動作的名詞或動名詞如 no movement, no talking

而no 即是not any的意思,any是"任一"的意思,其後接單數。
以字義來說,no是"沒有"的意思,既然沒有,就是連一個都沒有, 如no +複數名詞成立,那意恩不就成為"沒有多個,一個是有的",如此對no 真正的字義,是錯誤的。
2018-08-06 11:15 pm
# no [名詞] (pl. noes,nos) 釋義1. no と言うこと[返事] 例. Woman says no and means aye. ((ことわざ)) 女性の「否」は「諾」を意味する. ←← 法律上不接受的。
釋義2. 拒絶,拒否,不同意 例. I will not take no for an answer. ((話)) いやとは言わせませんよ(◆招待・勧誘されてためらっている人に対して) 例. He responded with a definite no. きっぱりと拒絶した.
釋義3. 反対投票,否決;((no(e)s)) 反対投票者 例. Fifty ayes were cast and only five noes. 賛成50に対して反対はただの 5であった 例. The noes have it. 反対多数.
# no [及物動詞] 釋義1. …に拒否[不同意,不承認]を示す.
釋義2. ((通例受身)) 〔クリケット〕 〈アンパイヤが〉(投手の)投球を判定する.
# no [不及物動詞] 釋義:拒否する,同意[承認]しない.
2018-08-05 12:01 pm
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