“velic”是什麼意思 ?

2018-07-31 10:34 am
我學緊英文拼音,有關發音器官其中一個叫velic , 我唔明白是指什麼,

回答 (4)

2018-08-01 5:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
Soft palate jointed to "velic" so that movement is possible.This joint or connection allows movement for the act of making sounds in speech;If you swallow,you make a movement in your throat as if you are swallowing something called food between mouth and nose, often because you are nervous, frightened .If you swallow your feelings, you do not express the English language, although you want to very much.So work hard on the clear articulation of every word between "points of articulation" and the "articulator".
2018-08-01 11:00 am
# velic [形容詞]:〔語音〕軟口蓋[口蓋的有關] 例. velic closure (日文譯:軟口蓋封閉、華文譯:軟顎關閉)。
# closure [名詞]:釋義-1〔語音〕(呼氣的道路)封閉。 釋義-2〔語言〕封閉:關於某語言結構,排除文法上可以的擴張的可能性。
# こうがい【口蓋】釋義:口腔上面壁。前方的大部分內部有上顎骨和口蓋骨很硬(硬口蓋),後方的約3分之一是含有肌肉柔軟(軟口蓋)。
#【軟顎】(ㄖㄨㄢˇ ㄜˋ) 釋義:位於口腔內面上壁、口蓋後部的方形肌質部分。吞嚥時可隔絕口腔與鼻腔的通道,有助吞嚥動作。
2018-07-31 10:41 am
Velic closure 軟顎關閉
2018-07-31 10:38 am

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