關於英文被動式 eaten to eat?

2018-07-22 9:01 pm
我的參考書上 有這樣的一段話
Be sure to put the meat in the oven at 5:00
so(that) it will be ready to eat by 6:30.
我想問的是這句話裡面的it 是不是代表meat如果是
為什麼不是用被動式eaten而是用to eat
或者it是指晚餐的意思 不是meat的代名詞

回答 (2)

2018-07-23 10:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
# so:[接續詞] 釋義1. ((so that 的省略that )) 釋義(1-2)((結果))那個結果,在那裡,因此
# 本句沒(想)使用「被動語態」。
## Be sure to put the meat in the oven at 5:00 so (that) “it will be ready to eat by 6:30”. 華文譯:一定要在5點將肉放入烤箱,這樣“它就可以在6:30之前食用”。←← "it …… 6:30"子句係英文五句型的第二型:S.+V.+S.C.(主詞補語),“(不定詞) to eat by 6:30"是真正主詞, "it"是形式主詞。
#參考例:Be sure to account for spoilage so that you will not have an underrun. (為了防止物品數量不足,請計算傷痕的數量。)
2018-07-23 8:57 am
will be ready=passive voice;
to be eaten=passive voice;
eat=to have a meal=What and when shall we eat tonight?=dinner-meat and 6:30.

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