Wife will often wear tops that expose her chest She said she did not know how revealing her tops are truth or not .?

2018-07-21 9:27 pm

回答 (16)

2018-07-22 5:22 am
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Women usually know how much they are showing. See if see starts wearing different tops now that see knows how much she is showing. Also see if she starts or stops wearing a bra to show less or more.
2018-07-21 10:28 pm
She knows. Women are pathological liars about everything.
2018-07-21 9:29 pm
How do you expect anyone on the internet to know more about how truthful your wife is then you yourself should know?
2018-07-21 9:29 pm
Of course she knows.
2018-07-21 9:55 pm
It's difficult to tell without further investigation. A few pics would help.
2018-07-25 8:24 am
Maybe she forgot to look in the mirror.
2018-07-24 7:12 am
She’s not being honest she wants men to stare at her chest and she is Doing to make you jealous . She should be more respectful when she dresses and wear tops that don’t show cleavage . Not right when you’re married and your out and other men look at her chest.
2018-07-23 3:09 pm
False. She knows how reveling they are. She is probably trying to get the attention of other guys cause she is secretly trying to find herself a new man.i'd get out as fast as you can.
2018-07-23 1:57 am
She lying!!she wants attention
2018-07-22 6:42 pm
She knows, lol
2018-07-22 6:51 am
I suspect she is aiming to leave you, soon.
2018-07-21 10:16 pm
False, unless you folks are too poor to afford a mirror in the house.
2018-07-21 9:52 pm
She knows exactly how revealing her tops are - it is a choice she makes.
2018-07-23 10:21 am
Maybe she needs a bigger mirror.
2018-07-22 3:26 am
Jealous , huh ?
2018-07-21 9:36 pm
Not true.

She does what she does to get attention, and or incite you to jealousy. The attention she craves is because she's insecure. She's insecure because from a very young age she's believed that her 'worth' is attached to her looks.

"You're so pretty!" is what any stranger tells a little girl.
"Good job!" is what is drilled into little boys.... so men think their 'worth' is based on what they do... not how they look.

The advertising industry, the corporations and the government made everyone think they don't have enough... they aren't good enough or coooool enough. It sells their products and drives the economy. That insecurity is deep within your wife.....

I suggest writing out what you read here in your own words and leaving it for her so she can't talk back.... Reading forces a person to focus.

Jealousy turns to hate, and hate will become murder. Evil always rises to its highest ground. Read proverbs to guide you my friend. Read them slow.

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