請幫我翻譯<英文> 杯子使用完畢請放此處 謝謝?

2018-06-22 2:41 pm

回答 (7)

2018-06-22 11:22 pm
After using the cup, please place(or put) it here. ←← 本句用"place, put"均可,但用"place"更適當的。
2018-06-25 8:28 pm
Please Leave Your Cup Here. Thank You!
2018-06-23 2:47 am
Please place the cups here after using.
2018-06-22 10:53 pm
Put the glasses here (after using them).
2018-06-22 3:14 pm
Put the cups/glasses here after use.
2018-06-26 3:44 pm
Please place the used cups here, thank you.
2018-06-23 9:54 am
Please put the cup here after being used. Yip

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