
2018-06-09 11:23 pm

回答 (2)

2018-06-10 8:59 pm
To TW students:-
Your vocabulary is all the words you should know in English Language.
The vocabulary of English Language is all the words in it(in your life time usage)
TW learners Of English Language often have problems increasing their vocabulary (in your TW life time in usage)
You have a very narrow vocabulary unless you try buy an Oxford English Dictionary.
The vocabulary of a particular group or profession is the range of specialist terms they should use eg:-(In Legal profession, Accountancy profession, Scientic profession,Medical profession in their respective field and function,Politics TW) etc.
The general vocabulary needed were announced in TW Education Bureau to the government department.
eg:-National primary class is about 1000 words
eg:-National Junior class is about 2000 words
eg:-National Senior graduation class is about 4500-6000words.

In fact, Listening=Speaking, while /and Reading=Writing is more important than memorizing vocabulary, learning by rote, learning by heart.
Our poster-man is just starting to learn vocabulary and you have got a vocabulary of about 50 words.
The average vocabulary of an intermediate student is about 2000 words.
To build up and extend your vocabulary with explanation of their meanings complete=try buy a TW English-Chinese Dictionary of Oxford-TW Contemporary English.
We understand you'll fail the Listening&Speaking, Reading&Writing if your vocabulary is limited(50 words).Still, the vocabulary in the TW English-Chinese Dictionary of Oxford-TW Contemporary English gives the meaning of words(more than the 50 words).
2018-06-13 9:55 am
按照本人的意見,認為認識英文單字愈多愈好;但是實際上應用的,祇有二至三千個. 雖說數目字少,但是如何應用纔是一門學問. Yip
2018-06-09 11:39 pm
# 其實,「聽說讀寫」比背熟單字較重要。

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