Don t be afraid of spiders! 別害怕蜘蛛 請問有這樣的說法嗎?

2018-06-04 4:06 pm

回答 (4)

2018-06-13 12:38 am
Don't be scared by the spiders. or Don't be afraid of the spiders. Yip
2018-06-05 12:52 pm
2018-06-04 8:21 pm
你電腦(手機)有裝Google 瀏覽器Chrome嗎?
你這句不論是查字典或用Google Chrome搜尋(一大堆完全一樣的句子)都可看出你這句是絕對正確啊! --
2018-06-04 6:08 pm
Don't be scared by the spiders!

P.S. Don't be afraid of spiders! ✅
2018-06-04 5:03 pm
Spiders are not necessary to be scare.

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