可以麻煩會英文的大大,能幫我翻譯一下這一段嗎? 謝謝~(很急需!!) 每一項材料都是回收、清潔、加工、再利用,這也就解釋了為何每一款包都是獨一無二, 殘留著無數記憶的痕跡最為珍貴,此刻也展現環保訴求與資源再生的決心!?

2018-05-10 12:52 pm

回答 (1)

2018-05-11 4:20 am
As far as environment and resource being concerned, every kind of used substance for recycled will be cleaning, processing and reused again; and that 'd be explained why it is one of a kind and being precious to have long been remembered. Yip

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